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AuthorWhat are your shortcuts?
post here all the shortcuts you have,
i mean those https://www.lordswm.com/pers_navlinks.php

I have:

1 https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=Sven91
2 https://www.lordswm.com/mod_workbench.php?type=repair
3 https://www.lordswm.com/mercenary_guild.php
4 http://www.internetmap.info/cgi-bin/go.cgi?site_id=85284
5 http://guildofheroes.ru/lords.php?levelst=1&levelfin=11&sort=2&napr=1&submit=se arch.

Now tell me yours =)
Sure, why not =)

My transfers http://www.heroeswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4300100
My Combats http://www.heroeswm.com/pl_warlog.php?id=4300100
Talents https://www.lordswm.com/skillwheel.php
Blacksmith http://www.heroeswm.com/mod_workbench.php
Ambush Capital http://www.heroeswm.com/thief_ambush.php?id=1
Mercenaries http://www.heroeswm.com/mercenary_guild.php
Attack the Neutrals http://www.heroeswm.com/map.php?action=attack
Equip sword http://www.heroeswm.com/inventory.php?all_on=1
Equip full http://www.heroeswm.com/inventory.php?all_on=2
Un-equip all http://www.heroeswm.com/inventory.php?all_off=100
friends | thrax | talents | mail | mercenary | mini-arts
Randhy-Wang | Combat Log | Transfer Log | Cari Orang | Recruiting | Notepad | Personal Setting | Hunter's Guild | Mercenaries Guild | Logout

I just have them .. Will be changed Dynamically as My need grows up .. I mean the Notepad will be changed to Blacksmith link, the Personal Setting maybe to My Heroes of War and Money Blog ( Coming soon ... )

Best regards,

Hunts|Click and Support|Mercenary
and also Transfer Log
and Malaysia boleh (my clan )


thats all i have right now. gonna get some more later on
Click and Support

Heck. i have that too
i added a few mines are now:

Sven91 | Repareren | Mercernary | Kladblok | Unequip | Clan | Support | Transfers | 6 AP Blade
my notepad and my transfer log
Transfers | Clan | Invitations | Members | Rules | WG | Search | Ranks | house

Transfers: my transfer log. Always checking for new members for the clan.
Clan: warriors's guild of course http://www.heroeswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7145
Invitations: to send invitations to new members
Members: to edit member ranks
Rules: link to rules of the game... For example to explain to someone why I don't accept him/her in the clan...
WG: to Warriors' Guild forum (www.warriors-guild.org/forum)
Search: to search for a character. Added recently, but handy.
Ranks: link to the rank system of the warriors' Guild, because that's one of the most frequent question asked by new members.
house: link to Shebali's house not to forget my daily click ;)

A lot of links for warriors' guild management, don't you think? Just to give you an idea, I have 3300+ messages in my inb0x, 90% of them being clan-related :)
My new short cuts :-

Click and Support | MG | Transfer Log |
DoubleStrafe | Unequip | Equip Set 1 | Personal settings | Log out
Sven | Repair | Merc | Kladblok | Transfer | Rules | Support
Ignore post 15

My new short cuts :-

Click and Support | MG | Transfer Log |
My Clan ( #284 )
| My Clan ( #145 ) | Enchant Hall | My Favourite Place (CHAT) | Market - Element

Click and Support - Shebali's Home Click

MG - Easy way to get rewards

Transfer Log - Seeing if someone as send me gold to join clan.

My Clan - Malaysia Boleh OFC


My Clan - WG OFCC ! The Best Clan Around !!


Enchant Hall - Blacksmith so that I finish My Orders

My Favourite Place - Inquiry room to loaf off time

Market- Element - Elements list in Market,so that I can buy them when
Aquired a few more along the way, too :)

Shebali | GGRules | LWM house | Smith | Equip min | Equip full | Unequip all
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