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Authortriggering luck - favoured enemy
Im still a bit confused
Is it considered for each stack individual, or is it a global chance?

Lets have an example:

I attack with bowmen, first shot = favoured enemy, second is nothing
Then i do a shot with druid = nothing
another stack of druid = nothing
Then i have 1 more stack of druids, then my big stack of forest keepers come, is it wise to wait with the druids, so the chance for the forest keepers to have favoured enemy is bigger, because i didnt have it in the last 2 turns?
Or should i just attack all the time and hope it triggers as often as possible, because its a 25% chance for each attack, and in theory you can attack 50 times without favoured enemy

and 2.
in this battle:
Why did i have +10% damage (double click on my hero while you hold control) i had only master hunter sabre and a hunter shield
Thats mixed from 2 hunter sets, and i dont have 5 of a set, so where did the bonus come from?

and 3.
Are the chances of all hunter parts to drop the same?
or is it like 5% on a broadsword, 3% on a shirt, 10% on a shield, etc etc, or is it for all the same?
and 2.


it even says there that melee damage is +10
whoops. typo up there. melee damage +10%

and 3.

some can be more rare than other's i think. i have found about 50 MH shields though no MH shirt or whatever it is
it even says there that melee damage is +10
Oh, sorry about that one then, if i go with my mouse over it in my inventory, it only says att +2

and about 1, still dont really understand it, is it individual, or is the chance increased each time it doesnt trigger?
i think that it is per creature. then again. i have no idea x.x
Luck is considered for each stack separetly. See here for more details:

FE - I think - for all units. When you have high faction skill you can with a certain accuracy predict when FE will be triggered. Or at least, that's how it seems to be for me. Although according to this link:
it shouldn't matter...

Chances for all hunter arts to drop are the same.

No idea about extra dmg, sorry.
Yep, it's like misself said it even says there that melee damage is +10 ^^
Morale/Luck/favoured enemy is kept for each stack independently.
So if i dont have luck and favoured enemy for 3 or more turns, its wise to wait (or use magic) til the big stacks come (fk or bowmen)
Because its very annoying when you have a whole battles where those little 1-stack-sprites get the favoured enemy and luck, and the big forest keepers and elven bowmen get nothing......

So i thought there was maybe a way to "time" it, and luckily, there is =)
So if i dont have luck and favoured enemy for 3 or more turns, its wise to wait (or use magic) til the big stacks come (fk or bowmen)

No. Because Morale/Luck and [presumably] favoured enemy is kept for each stack independently.
Favoured enemy triggering uses a completely different formula than morale\luck. It features radically different behaviour in situations where stacks get it triggered and where they don't. Unveiling a little, there is a certain "dampener system" that does not allow stacks get crit triggers more often, than the absolute value of current triggering probability.
To make an easy example.. ugh.
No two stacks in a row will both get favoured enemy if the chance is below 51%. It is so because the absolute probability value is, "one out of two". And as you know, (or learn from my words right now :) ) the highest crit triggering chance achievable at the moment is exactly 51%.

Thus, from your example, there is no point in waiting to get morale with the correct stack, but sometimes there is to get the favoured enemy befalling.
The much needed inside info :) I wish I knew this stuff :P
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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