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Authorabbreviations legend
tbh = to be honest
tbh = to be honest
cba = cant be assed
RoH= Ridge of Hope
YL=Yellow Lake
BG=Blooming Glade
GC=Great Capital
SH=Silent Hill
EB=East Bay
MC=Misty Coast
^^ LWM= Lords of War and Money, previous known as
HWM= Heroes of War and Money.
germanus at the end of my assisting him wrote pp, anyone knows what that means. I know gg, but what is pp?
Idc=I don't care
germanus at the end of my assisting him wrote pp

For me it rather looks like bb and likely means bye-bye.
for Lucid-Naz:
better ask him!

thank you, you've been sooooo helpful, what would I have done had you not suggested that? I just kid bro, or sis, whatever. I did but they never aswered me back. Maybe russian or german person and couldn't understand what I wrote as they didn't really write alot.
isn't ftw for the world?

FTW: For The Win!! (dealing the killing blow usually, like: Ogres FTW!)
BLNT= better luck next time

thanks to sry for this one
FTW: For The Win
IDK = I dont Know
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // ]
[Player banned by moderator MasterTI until 2009-01-31 14:58:40 // Use of foul langauge]
abbreviations are all good and well, but keep in mind that abbreviations of foul words are still foul words. And foul words masked by *** are too foul words.
@50 Lucid-Naz

Your chatlogs with Germanius741852:

He never said "pp" it was "bb" and as fusei said I think that's an abbrevation of "bye bye".
for Lucid-Naz:

hav this topic for discussion abt abbrevations

MAT with all abbr. listed and u only listed and dont allow any other to write
this is bad behaviour who ever says bad words should be banned for life
T T Y L = talk to you later
iirc = if i recall correctly
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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