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AuthorFed up of AFK players? Join #145 Warriors' Guild!
Hi chief! Have fun and worry about a thing :)

In the meantime, if Kotrin is not on-line feel free to PM recruiters for invitation!
Warm welcome to

hikin [Elf]
znudi [Knight]
HeartBreakkid [Necromancer]
Arjan [Barbarian]
potassium [Wizard]
Exito [Elf]


Don't forget to register on forum, too!
Updated Artifact CpB table with a link to extremly useful, but I fear overlooked, topic.
Great work by vidlak666.
Do check it :)
Warriors' Guild provides many services to members:

• Ad-free, state of the art community website
• Gold Loan service
• Smith and Enchanter services
• Full Artifact Set renting (Master Hunter Set, Thief Set, !!GREAT HUNTER SET!!)
• Thieves' Guild Invitations
• Tournaments
• Scripts to improve game features
• Faction Reference
• Custom Avatars
• Rank system
And much more!
Away for the next 2 weeks, and happy about it =)
im almost tg4 so another WG member with a TGI
Have a nice time Shebali!
Hello chief, how's the holiday? :)

Have a nice vacation Shebali!

Small clan update... things go very slow on this summer heat...

^^ Dolphins are always happy! ;)
...And holidays are over! Don't know if I should cry or rejoice? :)

Glad to be back!
Yay. Welcome back.

So what's the plan now, boss?
I payed the entrance fee yesterday....i'm waiting for invitation ^^
Welcome back Kotrin. Back to work now, and send this warrior his invitation :).

Update for clan rankings 1 August:
So what's the plan now, boss?

A tournament, of course! As soon as we have administration approval. A request is pending.
Meanwhile, a warm welcome to our latest recruits!

- phonix-werb [Wizard]
- Thain [Elf]
- Shadow_0035 [Knight]
- compaman [Barbarian]
- phoenixjason5 [Knight]
- Farrseer [Barbarian]
- ShadowReaper [Necromancer]
- jemlowjw [Wizard]
- duri [Knight]
Heya warriors. Guess who's back? :)
Welcome back :). We wait for your stories next to the camp fire.

I'm getting old... update on 10th of august for clan stats:

Council Members are advised to discover very interesting game information released in the Council, and discuss it at will :)


Title: Hidden Secrets Around the Game.
Welcome to our latest members!

- souldestructor
- Inflictor
- Brutal_Felix
- KubaZiom
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // ]
[Player banned by moderator Shebali until 2009-08-20 02:27:39 // Insult]
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