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AuthorPetition to put on market diamond sell option
Why do you think that there will be less diamonds bought if we could sell them on the market? Where do you think those will come from? Someone will have to buy them to put the offer on the market. So the profit can't be any smaller.
yes obviously !
I guess someone get it wrong here.. :(

You can get diamonds ONLY by donating money in the first place, then you will have choice (ALWAYS) to exchange in basic rate 1-> 2500 (means binging more money in game) or putting on market of your set price. Don`t like price in market?? Please go and exchange. Simple as that.

So in the end ONLY option to put diamonds on market is by donating REAL money.

When get diamonds by donating money (you will get unique code to post them in market) without unique code are no possible to post in market diamonds - that will cut out resellers (and we do not want resellers to operate with diamonds). So in the end if you buy diamonds from market there are no option to sell them or transfer to others.
this is totally a bad idea.

-1 vote
Okay, thanks for all the votes, now I will explain why this will never happen.

Diamonds are not a resource, they are no wares. They are a symbol. I hear players say "to buy/purchase diamonds" a lot, and I think that's what it eventually looks like after all, but since we need money to pay the developers and the host, and we are getting it from players, we got to give something in return. So diamonds are more like a thank you to the donators, and 'thank you's are not subject to trade.

As many people have already noticed, we have a very strict policy towards players. You don't see ads here, all those nasty banners probably annoying you so much in other projects; you don't even have the "Vote!" button for marketing purposes, the "Building a House for LordsWM" thread, the only effort of that kind so far, a players' initiative, isn't even a sticky thread! And as much as I want to sticky it, it is against something we have agreed among us. Players have a lot of freedom and comfort in this game, and once we promise something, we admins first of all do so to each other.

Right now players know that if they donate, they get something unique in return for their favor. If that ever changes, it means the good ol' admins are gone, so be prepared for other changes too =)
To Arctic:

Very good argument and I will have to respect and agree with your idea.
closed by Lord Mr_eee (2009-02-10 14:44:44)
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