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AuthorPetition to put on market diamond sell option
whats with all those petitions? this game isnt a democracy.....
it isn't but it's easier to see if people like the idea or not :P
No way
The game needs donations to keep going. So NO.
NO. I think that 1,Diamonds on market -> 2,more players with earlier upgraded constructions -> 3,impossibility to enjoy the game without it -> 4,it's not a free game anymore
But in case someone want to buy it with second char and give it to main char, there should be some rules like:
- couldn't give diamond as present
- couldn't sell diamond less than 2500 gold (the donation price)
- anymore?
nno cuz if u buy diamonds people will be gettin diamond upgrades makin it unfair to the poor

everyone want's to become better than he/ she is. so what's the use of it? soon everybody will have diamonds and the upgrades that come with them... it's like making a 100 meter sprint 80 meters long... nobody will realy profit from it - but there will be more money needed to spend to keep up. i can already hear the complains about more severe gold-shortage and such... diamonds on the market is ALMOST (not exactly) the same as lowering the exp needed for the next level for everybody.

so: NO.

and a good argument has been brought forth: this game we all enjoy needs money (RL-money) to exist.

although: Diamonds as a reward (in MQ or hunting) could be a refreshing new element...

(Maybe the real problem is that i feel that no real progress is made in RL by becoming better in this game...)
Diamonds on the market, I think, would actually boost Diamond sales. That is a great idea.

Why? Because I know of a lot of people that want diamonds, but are too young to buy them....and I know a lot of people that buy diamonds to upgrade their units (like myself) because it takes too long to make gold in game (we work, and have busy lives, 2 things younger players lack).

So in the end, people buying diamonds, would in fact, buy more to get more gold in game...and more diamonds would be sold in the end.

It really is a smart idea 'if' the folks here want to sell more diamonds that is. Maybe they are content with the diamond sales, and this simply is not necessary, and will keep those that paid good money for their diamonds ahead of those that have not--and cannot...so I can see the benefit of not allowing this, and allowing this, as well.


if Administration posts a billion hatred and all the other rich people will buy them out if this does work they should not be able to go over 4000 gold a piece
4000 gold for one diamond? when u can get 2500 for selling 1 at the basic rate, i think itll be like 10-15 thousand per diamond
we can all say YES, but ofcourse it would be unfair for the admin and developers
they need somthing in return for their hardwork
do you think they only need thank you for everything
ofcourse not, they need something for doing something like this
this game needs a lot of development, and needs maintenance
thats why diamonds are sold,
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