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AuthorDark Elf - Which parameter should I increase?
I am guessing Attack, Spell Power or Knowledge are the most useful?
Oops, looks like Spell Power and Knowledge are not popular among top players. Attack it is then!
no .. Spell power ! atk is used when u reach lvl 7 ;)
For me, I choose dark elf cuz the magic arrow so if you dont want to get rid of the ghost with your army at lvl 5 use the magic arrow with your hero on it then you should increase spell power :)
lvl 2 - spell
lvl 3 - knowledge
lvl 4 - spell
lvl 5 - knowledge ( basic erudition talent )
lvl 6 - atk ( advanced offence talent )
lvl 7 - atk ( basic leader ship and rally talent ) (use potion of oblivion)
lvl 8 - atk ( advanced offence and tactic talent )

But the Dark Elves on the top 10 list seems to have no spell or knowledge? The guy you mentioned is a Wizard.
top 10 doesnt have spell or knowledge doesnt have spell or knowledge becuz they have shrews .

if u r so stubborn and wont listen to me .. its ur choice to suffer a slow train
sry posted wif multi .. i keep forgetting which acc im on
suppose i go spell power and knowledge, then i will be relying on the earth spike in battle right?
earth spike , magic arrow . delay , curse ,

this is for lvl 8 if u want to continue as magical ;)
poison , lightning , iceclod

it can be mass poison
earth spike = lvl 1
magic arrow,delay,curse = lvl 5
sure? i find att is still better if you are only planning on doing hunts
but spell is better for pvp?
yes . PvP . atk is for PvE and PvM . atk will be better for PvP in future time ;)
Shouldn't this be discussed here: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1843745
*Unlocked for further questioning about the subject*
Spellpower was a poor advice. Knowledge is more useful on level 2 for DE.
how much mana does 1 point of knowledge add?

if it adds 5 mana then it might indeed be a bad move for me to increase my spell power : 1 point of spell power increases Earthen Spike damage by 4. however, with 5 more mana, i can cast spike again for 8 extra damage!
how much mana does 1 point of knowledge add?


that is 2 extra casting of Earthen Spike - far more than the measly 4 damage given by 1 point of spell power!

the oblivion potion is 2500 gold...hmmmm...should i?
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