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AuthorNecromancer faction topic: discussion, tactics, logs
LoL to Kratos

First off, you are not even using it in your talent.
Second off, 6 x 200 skellys = 800 (about 10 mana) I dont see how you can fetch 16. And for Vamps, lol, raise them as much as you want, they will die when one of your enemys stack will hit a <unplanned> morale boost.

Good Luck !

Banshee Howl ftw
Banshee Howl ftw

anyone have a faeries-raid {0} combat log? witchhammer is down :(
Second off, 6 x 200 skellys = 800 (about 10 mana) I dont see how you can fetch 16. And for Vamps, lol, raise

Are you still sure 6x200=800? I'm not.
Since we cannot edit our post, I couldnt change it !

So yeah, bad calculation
6 x 200= 1200 which is close to 16 mana, enough for 1 raise at least
Actually you have to set spirit link into relation with how much you raise.

With 0 spellpower, I can currently raise 120 hp to get the 9 mana I need to loose 675 hp, so I don't get where the point of using it is.
For Dan
Learn MATHS!
And I have hunter records in many kinds of archers check those if you want to know how to use spirit link!
Especialy the mercenary archers record and gremlins!

For Ranor
I said it is for comabt necros,GOOD MORNING combat necros dont raise at all,only 1 stack of ghosts to block or vamps to suck more!

For Kratos,

Dont be all offended :) We cannot edit post, so after seeing my calculation errors I couldnt double post either, I had to wait for someone. If you were all angry about what Ive said, you would have clearly seen my other post.

Its ok if you like it use it. But I still think we need something to counter balance the High Init faction like Elves. :)

Please, dont be like that, its our thread, its not like I was attacking you or whatever, Ive just seen my error and couldnt edit it. If you want Ill make proper apologies :) lol. Anyways.
LOL I wasnt offended!

And if you want to counter elves join groups ;) thrust me you will get what you want out of necro there!
i am a necro (lvl 5)...and i have a question...most of the players has skeletons upgradet...how can i upgrade mine?
Click on your castle, click upgraded constructions at the top and build the graveyard. It costs 25k gold, 25 mercury and 25 sulfur. So a long way out, judging from your current shown money :s
Check the queries and help forum stickies if you need help in earning money.
At lvl 9 for a combat necro which set of talent is better?

Basic defense + Vitality + Basic Nature Macig that gives me +2 life to troops


Basic Defense + Basic Erudition + Advanced Erudition?
It depends what you are fighting!
If you know damage is gonna rain on your skelies,I choose Vitality + Basic Narute/Spirit link!
Advanced erudition + Basic defense is good for some hunts and raids though!

I sometimes use Expert Erusition;Advanced Eruidition + Intelect;Advanced Defense + Basic Nature/Spirit Link!
I change talents all the time cuz no set of talents is good for all kinds of fights!
Your a good hunter xXxKratosxXx, but ...

Especialy the mercenary archers record ...
You had Spirit Link but you didn't used it!!!

Your Skelearchers died before your hero got his first turn and later on you didn't use it either
=> Spirit Link useless in this fight!!! (as in most others)

(From all ranged enemies only bowman, crossbowman and gremlins are really slower than your hero!!!)
Yeah good point,but its also usseful on vamps,the fight beggings for real when you get to the archers ;)!
As a ex necro my experience was not very good:(

Thank you I'm quite aware that might necs seldom raise. (funny since that is always held up as our prime ability and main advantage)

I looked up some of your hunters records lvl 9 in particular against ranged units, my impression so far is, that although you got some mana out of spirit link, you didn't used it.


monks - cast: 2 raise - costs: 18 mana
druids - cast: 1 wasp swarm, 1raise and 1 poison - costs: 20 mana
succibi - cast: 1 raise, 1 disruption ray - costs: 14 mana
bowman - 3disruption rays, 1 curse - costs: 19 mana

Your knowledge was 2 at that time, so you had 20 mana to begin with, I may look up some more battles of yours, but in these you had absolutly no positive use out of the additional mana provided by spirit link.
I would use the mana if it was needed right..........
you fight vs merc archers and gremlins are impresive

whats the base amount of skele i can recruit at lv 9? both if i recruit max zombs or if i recruit max skele

thinking of switching back to necro
With your faction around 120 only -_-
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