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could i ambush a level 6
You can only ambush people of your level.
if you are level 6, yes
Else not
i can't ambush 2 people
you can, but its only a veeeeeeeeeeerry small chance that that will happen
If two travelers are walking in the same direction and both get caught, all the three will fight in one combat. Obviously, the victims would unite against their aggressor.
"You can only ambush people of your level. "

I could be wrong on this, Shebali, but I thought you could ambush anyone at your level--or lower.

If my memory doesn't fail me, I was ambushed by a higher level, and I was given Monks to compensate the level difference.

In fact, I remember distinctly at least 1-2 battles where a level 9 ambushed a level 9 and myself when I was level 8.

So yeah :) You cannot ambush someone higher level than you, but you can (unless this was changed recently) a lower level.

thanx limustudotcom
Look at this
I was ambushed, and found another hero on my side.
Of course we had no problem winning.
All of us was level 6.
In the past you could catch players 1 level higher and 1 level lower. But thats not possible anymore, all players and caravans are the same as your level
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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