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Why are ambushes so hard?
to provide a challenge to player,the harder they are, the better benefits.
should be easier when you reach lv 8 and get shrews
at least i find lv 8 easier than lv 7 for me
I just switched factions and mt skill points are really low. Is that one reason I keep getting my ass kicked?
I just switched factions and mt skill points are really low. Is that one reason I keep getting my ass kicked?
Not the main reason. DE racial skill is not very helpful early game, since only few creatures have magic resistance. Late game it will affect you quite a bit, talents that grant magic resistances, magic resistant creatures, and even dragons all come out in the way.
It would also help if you use full arts and not dated ones. You can upgrade your armor and shield.

You can also upgrade to shrews at level 7 with diamonds or wait for level 8.

At level 2 merc you get an extra primary skill point.

And lastly if you are rich, you can get enchants.
it is not hard , it's u r really not playing good, i watched 7 of ur ambushes, and (not playing good) is a compliment for u, u r playing in a tactical noob way, if u had arts of level 10 player and playing ambushes at level 7 u were going to loose, i can't believe that, well first of all don't be a dark elf, u r weak with them and if u want to be a DE take good talents like leadership and rally, and bring more rogues not poisoners, divide rogues to a big stack in the corner protected by minotaurs, 2 small stack to open way for lizard charge (lizards must charge the big enemy like devils not 1 succubi), and of course u need a stack of 1 rogue (or 1 poisoner) to take retaliation for ur lizards, and don't change ur points to all attack , spell is useless in caravans except if u were a wizard, and for barbarians, at least by that gods why do u put ur orcs near to the enemy? they r too fragile , they must be at a corner protected by ogres, and more ur wolf riders must not under any circumstances attack 3 peasants while they can reach 50 crossbows, and why do u use 1 hobgoblin to attack for example 2 vampires who won't retaliate if attacked by ogre? u could bring the 1 hobgoblin to block the enemy shooter or the path for the big enemy like death envoys.. and try to take retaliation for ur wolfs by 1 hobgoblin, and change ur talents into basic attack + battle fury , and why do u put all ur armies on one side ? like with the DE u have placed all ur armies on the left side, and against what? oh yeah a caravan of dark elf, what was that? don't u know that shrews will play before u ? u should reconsider ur tactics or ask some barbarian player more about barbarians , but at least don't let enemies reach ur orcs like this and i think it would be better to bring more hobgoblins instead of wolfs riders, ... if u want any help with the DE ask me , but i think that the renter of the TGI will wait too long lol ..
rashad, just comparing your stats with rygore's, i found something interesting: your winning percentage is by 5% worse than his. does this tell you anything? at least to speak nicer with someone who fought better than you by now. but, of course, why would you pay attention to someone better and to admit it, when you can bitch at him just because he decided to start something new where you have some experience?
You can't compare the winning percentage btw the two of them, ignoring the fact that Rashad has fought about 2x more than rygore, you also have to take into account the type of battles fought. Often you will lose 3 vs 3 more often than duels (much greater chance of afk's for example), and you will lose duels far more often than hunts. Although his critism may have come across harsh, it is better than nothing. Besides sometimes the only way to learn is with a hard slap of reality.
They are challenging :)

But some are simply, unwinnable, so don't beat yourself up too much if you find yourself losing a lot...experience will make you a better player, when I first started, I probably only won 65-70% of my ambushes, by the time I was thief guild level 3, I was winning 90% of them.

"Practice makes Perfect."

for 8, from level 5 till 7 i have played nearly all my XP battles in every one for oneself witch is the hardest one to win. at level 8 and 9 and 10 i don't have much looses but at low levels like level 5 6 7 i have to many , cz i was trying all kinds of DE like a wizard one and warrior one, and as mortimare said, he is right.
#9 and #11:

whatever reason for losing more combats, my point was the tone rashad used. players here are trying to get helped and not to be ridiculed. rashad gave nice advises, but he lacked a minimum respect for the creator of this thread. let's not forget that all of us made mistakes, so, no point in ridiculing anyone who tries to find help by starting a thread.

i meant no offense for anyone here.
I did change my talents to basic leadership and rally and got my shrews and went on to win my next two ambushes.
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