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AuthorProblem coused from a Cheater
i got a big problem with my thief invite.i bought it for 80 ˆ and i rent it to dokter etk(take a look at transfer log)..everything was fine but now he is not answering me,did not return the first thief art as shown in the transfer log, better than that becouse he sold it at market, and startet to cheat with his secondary char..what to do now ? accept that and say o well..i can forget my money ? plz help thx
You can crate a topic in CaA about it. Your TGI is lost, but he'll get a penalty, up to a block.
Username supplied is incorrect.
The correct username is 'Doctor_Etk'.

Sorry, but punishment is enforced but not compensation.
doktor_etk also seems to have a multi in etk when you look at the transferlogs :)
So you both tell me i can forget the 80 ˆ ? is there no action the Administration can do you give me a new Invite .. i should not be a big problem to do that...i am really angry becouse of that.. i spent more than 150ˆ becouse i wanna support that game but there must be a better way for ppl donate and get cheated..i know you both can understand me becouse it is pretty hard to accept that high ammount of money.i probably wont give up the game but i am not sure if it is a good advice to ppl to spent money to that game. i guess this is the first time that happend but maybe not the last so is there no other chance to get back my invite or maybe ingame Gold ?

p.s. i am sure Doctor_ETK will get blocked for that but it dont help me
You should have simply sold the invite if you wanted to be safe, renting things is dangerous and the rules are clear about this part. If someone chooses to rent a TGI s(he) must check very carefully who he gives the invite to ( it was clear doctor_etk was a cheater before you gave him the invite ) and of course be ready to lose the TGI if something bad happens. Like in real life there are investments with no risk and some decent revenue ( = sell TGI here ) and investments with high risk and a lot better revenue if successful ( = lease TGI ).
i guess this is the first time that happend
You guess wrong :/ There were several cases of TGI-not-returned already. You have to be very careful who you rent your invite to.

3.17. The Administration does not take responsibility for the unreturned debts and does not guarantee compensation in case of swindling by other players. When a loan is not returned in time, (the time must be written in the transfer logs) the swindler will be imposed a penalty of a sum twice as much. If the term isn't posted in the transfer logs, the penalty will occur 1 month after the loan transaction. The creditor does not get compensation.

Same goes for TGIs
Ok, then I will put Dokter_etk and his friends written at his personal info to my blacklists and I will write them at my personal info also tell all my friends here about THEM .. ^^
Feel sorry about that, but there is nothing really you can do =(
so i can forget my money..now i got a bad fealing i posted all becouse if i have not done it he retourned maybe the invite but when he is blocked he cant do that...oh well..now i am in a bad mood..lost my money i wanted to spent for my bills.did everything wrong becouse it is all my mistake i did not carefully read his transfer log..and all of that criminal player..well this is really frustrating
If I were you i would give him one last chance.
Let him give you the thief art back + the thief guild invitation when he reaches level 2.
If he denies it, or doesn't respond, then you tell him that you report him and that both of his characters will be blocked!
So then the choice is up to him, annoy you and have 2 blocked characters
or return the thief art with the TGI
i have already done that before ..told him to report and we both will be be 'unhappy' :-( still not responding..
so sry 4 u.......
for Scratchy:

Its a pity , but u too have a part in that fault.
yeah i should have take a look at his transfer..but normaly cheater get banned before they reach lvl 6..but guess what.i would be much happier if i would be the cheater and can just start a new char after bann.. and not the bloddy moneygiver
sigh... it's a lot of money. Why would people nowadays do such things?! If the person is not going to reply, I think he is planning to keep it for himself. He thinks that if he get blocked, it's not his business, he can start all over again. This will actually cause the renter to suffer.
I was waiting til he went into a battle, and wanted to ask him directly
But someone else was before me :P

Well, yes... I did. I just hope that he will return the thief-invitation and upcoming thief-arts.
I'm really sad for you...
Well, when it is about the real money, I think the Administration should give a compensation equivalent to the TGI (in this case) price on market. Otherwise it encourages the players to not give money anymore (or to think twice before doing it). But, as we saw from the previous examples (e.g., AP rule for which Arctic open a discussion thread in which the most of players advised the Administration to not implement it), they are not so willing to cooperate with the players. So, sorry for your loss, Scratchy. Now, you need to work a lot to get another TGI from another player and to continue your TG quests.

My advise would be for you to take few days off from this game and to calm down yourself because your frustration will affect your strategy and you will be more frustrated.

Good luck!
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