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AuthorGreatest Animes
a lot of animes have endings cut short for one reason or another. it's very rare to see them outright just stop without even making a hasty ending. so no worries about seeing inuyasha just cut up and stop. there's an actual fake ending to this series.

Pantheon wrote this to me. I had asked the same thing. He said it was likly due to not enough money to keep up with the cartoon.

He also said something about the manga having a true ending, so I guess that ended also.

And no worries bout your necro move, I would have bumped it eventually. (This thread I mean.)
I love Yakusha,Naruto, AND DEFENITELY DETECTIVE CONAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Invader Zim all the way!

Omg that's cartoon but it was very funny and nice graphic law of ueki is good too Bleach What kind of cleaner is that xD I love Avatar Watched all of it I also love Megaman!
GTO rules!

liked it so much i even tried watching the live action.... not as great... but still good.

Yeah, fake short endings happen a lot in animes especially ones based upon manga. Due to a lot reasons from manga too slow/fast, to lack of ratings/interest in the anime, to shortage of money, etc. many animes have endings hastily put together. It is very rare that they run into serious enough problems where they just stop and don't even bother making 1-2 episodes as the final ones.

For inuyasha, I didn't read the manga, but I've heard it goes on. Also once you watch the anime ending, you realize it's not a real ending. It feels like they were forced to make an ending or were just making an end to a season and taking a break.
One good example is Berserk. Great bloody anime. But they ran out of money and had to stop production. They literally just stopped. They didn't even bother making 1-2 fake episodes to end it.
GTO rules!

What GTO?
"Great Teacher Onizuka"
but do any of u actually know why InuYasha was suddenly cancelled?

Hahah, this happened a long time ago. The production studio ran out of money and the fan base died down because they were taking too long to progress the plot. Their last episode was a huge disappointment and just added insult to injury.

Honestly, back when I did watch Inu Yasha; no one in the States even knew what it was... bootlegs for the win ;) But I have to say only the first 30 or so episodes were entertaining; aside from the first and third movie.

After that each episode became, "Hey! A guy has a shard and is now a powerful demon! Oh no we all might die, oh wait never mind Inu Yasha killed it we're all safe. Oh look there is also mild and consistent tension between Kagome and Inu Yasha do they love each other? Oh wait no they just got in another fight."

That went on for several seasons. Anyone who continued a story like that for so long would be out of money.
Manga, anime

INITIAL D!! Hachi-roku? Tesne!!

lol remember when onizuka didn't get the the teacher's job at first and became the Great Driver Onizuka? And when he became the Cursed Teacher Onizuka? LOL me and my buds laughed our heads off to that XD
a lot of animes have endings cut short for one reason or another

and thnx for all the replies, but i hope that one piece doesn't become that way O.o (nah, it's way too popular to be cancelled cuz of lack of money :)
@ 51

I've never actually seen GTO. I was only answereing Malaysian's question.

The only funny anime I've seen is Golden Boy. Anyone seen it?
I've never actually seen GTO.
u should. It's really funny :D
If you liked BDZ then try to watch Bleach from first serie. Really good anime, now waitting every week for new series :)
I am currently watching bleach via youtube and yes it is the sh..!
I wonder how many animes are games also.

I know Inuyasha has one, Full Metal Alchemist has 2. Naruto has 3. Yu Yu Hakusho has one really sucky fight game. Dragon Ball is a no brainer.

By the way, did anybody know that the 8-bit nintendo made a dragon ball game, but some names where changed and the game was called Dragon Power.

Who watched the Hack.com, was that anime or cartoon? I heard there was a XenoSagas cartoon/anime also.
I love Yakitate it's so scientific *nerd* *Yucky sniff*
Death note is a good 1.(Kira is justice!L changed the world)
Vampire knight is romantic and nice 1.
Devil May Cry Rocks but Dante didnt become Devil Form.
Air Gear may not suitable for people of age 13 and below but it's cool.
Yu Yu Hakusho is okay.The colour should be better.
Law of Ueki is Great.
Stay/Fate Night is a nice anime with 7 classes running around.Is there a game for it?If there is an adventure game for it.I hope it's computer or ps 2.It's rock.
I like Ninja Hattori.....specially Shinjo......I like him very much....so cute.....

for CrossXVamki: there's a devil may cry show?Ooooo show me! =D

i changed my list:naruto,naruto shippuuden,law of ueki and flame of recca!!!
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