Author | Luck Drink from the Tavern unavailable in Tournament |
So I noticed at the last tournament that the Luck Drink from the Tavern caused an "Equipment Disparity" that prevented joining the tournament while you were under it's effect.
What I want to know is why this is the case?
I've spent a lot of time earning that bonus from the Gamblers Guild and I'm prevented from using it. Yet other Guild bonuses are still in effect and able to be used by players in the tournament (Eg Hunter Guild Attack bonus, Theives Guild Inititative bonus, etc).
Is there a reason that the Gamblers Guild Bonus has been singled out in this fashion?
It makes it seem less attractive to put the effort in to get such a minor bonus if it can't be used where it matters the most.
Grunge |
Hi, Grunge, good question.
The reason is simple, the bonus from that guild is temporary, and all other guilds have them constant. There used to be a lot of temporary effects, nearly one for each faction, but all of them were prohibited to use in the tournaments even back then.
Tournaments are highest level of players' competition between each other. When someone wins, we are making sure that it happens because of that player's best preparation (like having a well developed character, thoughtful choosing an army and talent set, etc), and not because someone happened to still have an unused temporary effect =) |
Perhaps some other bonus could be implemented for the Gamblers guild instead?
It seems odd that you get other guild bonuses in tournaments, but not this one.
It certainly feels like it devalues the effort put in to achieve high levels in this guild.
Grunge |
It seems each guild has a good reason for it's bonuses (such as HG increasing stats all around, LG increasing defense, and TG increasing initiative) but how would experience in Gambling effect statistics? Luck makes sense, but as a permanent stat increase, it would be fairly over-powering. Initiative wouldn't quite make sense, and is already a bonus in two guilds... and the closest I could imagine is Knowledge. Perhaps a bonus at GG level 10 being +1 Knowledge and at 15 another +1 Knowledge or +1 Spell Power (though it would be difficult to justify spell power having to do with gambling...) |
Perhaps a bonus at GG level 10 being +1 Knowledge and at 15 another +1 Knowledge or +1 Spell Power (though it would be difficult to justify spell power having to do with gambling...)
useless for barbs... |
How about more speed? |
only think i have against it is that its not noticed anywhere in tournament info page and when u drink it u have to wait 2-3 hours till the effect from drink wears off b4 u can join tournament. |
Perhaps it could be a +5% for luck triggering for the first bonus and a +10% for luck triggering for the second?
Or perhaps a similar bonus to random effects triggering (stun, fear, knockback, etc)?
This could represent increased luck without the necessity of having a higher luck stat and would still be useful for all chareacters including Barbarians.
Grunge |
How about more speed?
How would you explain playing card game to gaining speed? |
This topic will be moved to I&S. Please suggest other options for guild reward. Note that Morale, Knowledge etc won't benefit all factions an therefore cannot replace the temporary luck. |
Topic moved from "Tournaments" to "Ideas and suggestions". |
Or perhaps a similar bonus to random effects triggering (stun, fear, knockback, etc)?
This one isn't quite fair, since some factions would benefit more from it than others. |
Perhaps the Gamblers' Guild drinks could restore full health and mana instead. |
and mana instead.
Like Arctic said mana is not useful for all factions. |
like laborersguild gives an increase in the wage if you enroll, gamblers guild gives an increase in the wage for hunts
So if a hunt would give 200 gold, and you have gamblers guild 5 or something, you get 300 gold |
I've got an idea. How about gamblers guild increases your earnings from roulette? If you win, you get a certain bonus. If you lose, you don't lose anything extra. Or it can be varied so that you get to keep a little of the gold you bet in case of a loss. Temporary or permanent effect, or both (you can temporarily activate it in addition to a small passive bonus).
Maybe your learnt some sleight of hand from the days spent at the tavern playing cards. :P So, you're able to sneak a little gold from the banker without being noticed.
But, I suspect there will be some imbalances to the benefit of such an effect, depending on what type of bet you make (1 to 1, 5 to 1.. etc). So, a simple direct % bonus won't work. |
You know, I didn't think of this initially but it kind of makes sense now. The idea of the Tavern game is to build your tower, destroy your opponent's Tower, or hoard resources.
Considering those above victory conditions, perhaps a good bonus would be a choice of +1 defense; +1 attack; or a % gold reward bonus from hunts, mercenary and/or thief missions.
This way, all the time you put into the Tavern allows you a choice to better round-out your character. If you are a Wizard you may want that gold bonus, as mini-arts are expensive... though cheaper factions would likely prefer the attack or defense.
My idea as how this can run:
GG 5 - +1 attack, +1 defense, or +2% gold reward bonus.
GG 10 - +1 attack, +1 defense, or +3% gold reward bonus.
GG 12 - Free drink +1 Luck for 2 hours once in 24 hours.
Now getting the max level will be unique in that you are given better bonuses for your massive success.
GG 15 - Option of:
a) Extend Free Drink availability (+1 Luck for 2 hours, twice in 24 hours).
• This is more appealing for people who cannot play for an extended period of time each day (e.g. playing an hour or so in the morning, and a couple hours in the evening).
• Gives a total of 4 hours of +1 Luck. Slightly better than the current bonus to balance out the other options at GG 15.
• The Free Drink bonus should still not be available in the tournament as it is still not a permanent effect.
• Ideal for factions who do not come by luck easily.
b) +1 Primary Parameter of your choice (like the Merc's Guild)
• This bonus includes Spell Power and Knowledge because of the acquired confidence of being a successful gambler.
• Wizards may be happy with a 5% gold bonus and feel they could benefit from Spell Power or Knowledge. This way allowing all factions to enjoy the possibility of stat bonuses.
c) +5% gold reward bonus.
So, all in all getting to the max level in this is still not over-powering. The maximum possible outcomes are +3 to Primary Stats, or a cumulative 10% gold reward bonus from Hunts, Mercs and/or Caravans. |
becuase it isnt an item from artifact shop maybe |
I like the part that you can choose between different things.
That makes each hero a bit more unique =) |
I like this idea, tho I'm not a gambler. Though I think the gold bonus should be 10% and 20%, and cumalitive. If you've going to get 200 from a hunt, 210 doesn't help much, but 260 is a good boost. |