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AuthorHunt morale
When I went in to hunt I checked the creatures stats before, let say last hunt was demons:
luck 0
morale 0

But when i start to hunt, them appear to be +1 morale.
How it comes?
Do not know anymore which creatures will have +1 morale in hunts and which ones don't.... :( please help me with this)

hmm normally any creatures has a morale +1 except undeads elementals and mechanical/machines monsters like golems
On battlefield, divided from 2 Stacks upwards (as all creatures in hunt are divided), all stacks get morale +1, except of Minotaurs. They get morale +3.
Only undeed creatures have no morale.
So if my lord have morale +1 then if i divide my shews in to 2 stacks then they will have +2 morale?
no,they still have 1 morale.Morale can only be increased by talent(basic leadership) or artifcat(Medal of bravery or Ring of inspiration)

Each troop has its own counter for the moral/luck. Sometimes you can get moral/luck on two stacks in the same time or you can get 2 moral/luck in the row on the same unit, depending on your moral/luck characteristic and the number of turns the unit hasn't had a moral/luck befallen. As Dark Elf, your troops tend to be more sensitive to the moral characteristic and less to the luck characteristic.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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