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AuthorBidding on auctions
Sometimes, when I place a bid, it tells me that my bid is accepted but i have been outbidden by another player.

At first I thought me and the other player both placed a bid at the same time, but it is happenning too frequently, and too quickly.

Is it possible to place a bid, and hide that from other players?
No, coz it will ruin the point of bidding. Its simply your bid is too low.
yeah say it starts at 100 gold and someone bids 500 gold it wont say 500 gold it may say the bid is at 150 so if u bid 200 ur bid will beaccepted but the player who bid 500 will have outbidden you but then it says the bidd is 250 or whatever

if ur bid is too low it acceptes the bid and raises it but u will be outbidden
Thats what I thought...at first

Currently, on the market, lot #376733 is auctioning 1 wood. 3 bids, buyout at 200. Current bid is 163, by Warwick-the-wiz. I click on the bid link, and 166 appears. That would be the next min bid, i suppose.

It then tells me that "Bid of 166 accepted. You have been outbidden by another player!"

When I go back to the market, there are 5 bids now. and current bid is 183. The highest bidder is still Warwick-the-wiz.

Doesn't make sense that he outbids himself, but possible.

But the same scenario has happened on a number of bids that I made. Different items, different bidders.

Something strange is happening...am i the only one having this problem?? should i keep a log of these occurrences??
Previous reply was for #2.

I would have expected the highest bid be reflected, so that people can raise the bid, rather than have the bid hidden.
Ahh Warwick, I've been outbidden by him too, quite a few times, it just feels like hes sitting there bidding all the time. (Hope he isn't a bot)
ahh, ignore what i said ^^

As you can see in his profile hes buying resources, so i guess thats the reason.
It's a market feature, not script or bot.
closed by Shebali (2009-03-15 18:29:29)
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