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AuthorMulti pulti
To get straight to the point. I have only one additional character Immortius, which is lvl 8 now. I haven't broke any rules, and in fact I am not going to. However, what pretty much upsets me, is that additionals are not allowed to buy TGI(Thiefs Guild Invitatation). It is pretty bizzare, as I do consider both of my characters important, I work hard, I fight hard for both of them, and I don't want my second character to lack some of the game features like TGI. If there is no cheating, why cannot it be allowed. Understand me, it is just a game, and many people have same important additionals as me, and they want them to have full of rights as mains do. Would that ruin the server which hardly gets over 1000 players at its best time. I doubt. Please, post opinions.
below is a link to a thread that already had this discussion. There is 1 way your extra char can become a thief. buy 80 diamonds. the rule states it cant buy a TGI. by buying the diamonds you aren't buying a TGI you are buying instant entry into the thief guild. If it means that much to you save up your real money to buy the diamonds, otherwise change your faction to try thieving as a different faction.

The rules do allow you to switch mains (once).

The reason the admin has put off is that multis are meant to test out the other factions and aren't meant to be 2nd mains.
All what is said above, is to the good of admins..You are trying to force me to understand, how proper it would be just to pay for TGI(80 euros). Well, I say no. Isn't this game called FREE ONLINE GAME. all the rules are just to push us, players to pay for something. I do not disagree with that, I adore admins who created such perfect game, and I perfectly understand that everything has it's price. Then don't call it FREE ONLINE GAME, as the rules pushes you sometimes to pay without any choise as in my case.(By the way, have already donated 200 USD on .ru server, so I am not talking for some kind freeserver point).

And I asked trully players about their opinions, I do not want any administration advertisment on my topic please.
It tis free by there is no monthly fee like most other online games. As stated above, additional characters are meant to try other factions. And the rules are not to push players around they are there to keep order and everything flowing smoothly.
1 & 4, from a non admin non mod, non anything else but player (and a bad one):

and many people have same important additionals as me,

And how do you define that "many"?

Did you go thorugh all profiles, to establish some sort of census?
Isn't this just an hypotesis of yours, that you use to push forward your own idea?

My point is: there aren't *MANY* people having secondaries like yours.
Just a bunch, and it can be easily proved.

More than that, there are many people (yes, i did make inquiries on topic) that dislike being "obliged" to play hours a day every day in order to keep pace with other players.
And if multis were 100% functionals, this would became enforced, since developing 2 or more chars does take time.

It is said that multis are there *ONLY* to test other factions.
You are not allowed to play several characters, only to test different factions.

This simple rule explains the rest, and building a castle upon a different foundation is simply *WRONG*.

Yes, it is a game, (yes, a free one, whatever you say), and like in all games, bending rules to one's liking makes playing pointless.

Like playing chess with checkers rules.

Then there always are, and always will be, people exigent of things their way or else..

As a last note: this is one of the (rare!!) sites where mods and admins are also "regular" players that you can actually interact with.

So, that "no administration advertisements" is pretty insulting to them (obviously not from your point of view, but it is).
Think about it.
Unfortunately many games advertise "FREE ONLINE GAME" and then nickel and dime you for all the extras kind of like how the airlines do it.

I understand that games don't just run on their own. Everything costs money. But they could have gotten the money through other means (such as advertisements) so that all players are on equal footing. Or like other games they can charge a flat monthly rate or a 1-time charge for an account.

I don't completely agree on all the restrictions on multis, but I don't think they are all that wrong. I believe the main reason why players want multis (other than cheating) is to try out other factions. Since we can switch factions, I don't see why 2nd mains are needed. In other games the reason why you make additional mains is because there is no faction switching.
To telca: as you have suggested, yes, it is just my guessing about many players having multies...
And, please, I can hardly understand what was anything related to my question except your critisism?
To Pantheon: I am addicted to that game. The only purpose I have my multi is not to probe any other faction, but to play, play and play. As you have a lot of free time beetween hunts, battles, merc quests..etc....
What telca said is true. You seem to only see it as criticism and not us trying to tell you that you may be a member of the minority in wanting this.

Ok, You believe what you believe, but you also have to take what other people's opinions are. And that is that we don't think the game is forcing you to pay through your nos in order to have fun. They want only 1 main character per person or limit it down so that the server can cope with the stress and strain.

If everyone played with Main#1, did their hunt, an MG quest, enchanted an item, then switched to Main#2, did that hunt, another MG quest, laid a thieving trap, then switched to Main#3 to go into group battles till Main#1's timer for his next hunt is over, the server will be quite over packed. This because there is no lull period for each character. People (who have the time and are not working their butts off in this stupid economy) will then play all day except for sleeping hours (and some not even that). The server cannot take the load of, say, 700 people ALL doing something at the same time. 1000 people online, of which only 350 are actually doing something and the rest just waiting for thier timers to run out to thier next event can be handled (or should be).

I'm not saying you are wrong in your play sytle. It's your style. But if the game doesn't benefit in a way that can help it survive the resultant situation, it won't do it. It's a FREE online game, as you bring up. It's free to play, if you reallllllllly want perks, you can pay for it. That's a valid business model. Making a LOSS-MAKING online game where the admin has to pay for a new server every week because all the 200 players have all just created their Main#100, causing a crasj of the old one, and not getting anything to help them through it, isn't a good business model.

Now, if you want to ask the admin if you could arrange a way to support the game, be it in service, kind or cash, to allow you to have another main or two, maybe they would listen and consider. Not so they can make money, but so that they are not going to make a loss and so that there would not be a delugue of new charcters on the server without some support (monetary or otherwise) to help them cope.

Having tons of characters on the server is good on paper (seeing 200,000 active accounts for your own online game is nice, I'm sure), but if these accounts are all made from the same small bunch of people, your community is not growing, and you are actually stagnant. That's not good.

I hope you don't see it as us trying to shut you up or criticising your point of view. See it as us trying to tell you that we have thought through it before, realised why it doesn't work and trying to tell you why too.

If you disagree, feel free to voice it, but don't let this turn into a slug-flame-fest-thingy by thinking that we are attacking you.

Magistrus, then you are side stepping the issue. The game is designed for some downtime just like any other game. Hunter licenses enable you to hunt more. Mana potions let you get back mana faster. Other types of battles and the card games are there for some variety.

The multis aren't meant for you to play side by side with your main because you don't like the downtime. Most games integrate and force this downtime very well.

My criticism on this area is that there should be health potions as well. Maybe also let us fight at less than 100% troop readiness, but of course if you fight at 50%, then you only have 50% of your troops (or whatever troop distribution you had left from your previous combat).
By the way, have already donated 200 USD on .ru server

So I would assume you already have TGI on your main on ru. So between here and there you have 2 accounts that can do thief battles, why do you need 3 or more accounts with that ability?

The only purpose I have my multi is not to probe any other faction, but to play, play and play. As you have a lot of free time beetween hunts, battles, merc quests..etc....

There is not that much downtime if you do a hunt, then do a merc battle, then do a thief battle. by the time your thief battle is done and you are back to 100% you can do another thief battle right away (assuming you didnt lose) otherwise your next hunt should be up within 10 minutes. or already ready if you have the Hunter license.

And if you are playing more than one account I cant see how you could have any downtime whatsoever if you put a little bit of thought into planning out the order in which to fight your battles.
Thank you all for opinions.
To xinj: I have stopped .ru server long time ago.
I don't know about the others, but I enjoyed having alts until I saw all the restrictions being placed on them. Yes, you can switch factions with your main, I know. But it is different say for me switching my faction from wizard to dark elf at lvl 8 than to play dark elves at the lower combat levels and bring them up through the levels.

With all the restrictions, I've basically abandoned my alts and created an account in the russian server so I would not have to deal with all the restrictions. Unfortunately I don't know any russians, so its hard to play, but I'd rather play an alt there, than here. Not too mention I'm sure the people I run into think I'm rude because I don't speak russian and have no idea what to say to them.
Hey i got a smoke of rule breaking.

Fistofgod is countinuosly getting money from his multi
Additional character-Fist0fgod he almost transfered 20000 gold to his main.
Answer is given.
closed by FaithBringer (2009-03-25 01:00:34)
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