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AuthorTo all people who monopolize artifact etc Defender Shield...
Actually the defender shield taken in the context of per AP cost is very cheap. Compare it with leather armor, which is also a very popular min AP art, defender shield is less than half the price of the leather armor in terms of per AP (assuming facility prices for both). The discrepancy is even higher if you compare to other alternatives such as the dragon shield.

What fusei and I are talking about isn't getting a bigger group; just a large enough group to monopolize the market 24/7. And she came out with the idea to enhance/create shortages by using multis to destroy arts by selling full durability arts back to the shop.

Let's say a clan of 36 members. Each online for 8hours each everyday. Each buys 1 shield per hour. Let's say a sale price of 4400 gold --> ~1000 gold profit per shield. That's 8000 gold per day per member. I would say that's definitely enough incentive for monopolizers.

And if that's not enough, they can induce shortages on other arts using fusei's idea, so they have a larger market to monopolize.

Everything would be completely legal under the free market economy and each member would get nice profits for relatively little work. Also inventory won't be much of an issue either since they can utilize the multis to destroy excess supply.
its all about supply and demand , if there's no defender shield in market & none at bsmith then some1 can put price of it 100 000 in market & he'd still have chance to sell it ( cuz its only 1 on sale )

price staying variable is the good thing here, don't change that , if u'r smart u'll get rich by it, if not u'll ask prices to be constantly same & reduce any opportunity to make some more cash
Fusei:In some situations it makes sense to make bigger price jumps than the obligatory 1 gold

I have to agree this time. One more reason to make bigger price jumps sometimes is to not look like a freaking scammer at the market, because some buyers skip those "1 coin trader types", I have sold few artifacts when I was 2nd cheapest, I think that was the reason.

Even if there was a group and they where doing that once people saw the defender shield going up and the cheaper ones being brought off quickly. wouldn't the people not apart of the monoply just start using the forums more to inform people they where selling or wanting to buy the artfact in question and so leave those in the monoply high and dry.
That won't work if the monopolizing group has enough control of the supply. A few people with a few extra shields won't cause much of a dent. The monopolizing group do not need 100% control of the supply. They only need sufficient control so that there are still leftover defender shield demand after the low ballers run out of supply.
Then those using the forum would have to make there own monoply to compeat with the market monoply but of course that would backfire so the only hope for the players not apart of the monoply would be the adims.With that being said if anyone is thinking of monopolizing contact me I'll be a great business partner.
make friends with those who have fast connection then ask them to buy the shield, or those who can online at dawn time since there are less ppl online so that you can compete to buy the def shield easier
All we need is people panicking about not getting a shield and stocking ahead. And all of a sudden there is a shortage:)
just a large enough group to monopolize the market 24/7.

yep, and 36 people will not be enough, if you take into account IRL and the fact that they don't come here just for selling and buying, but also for playing, so sometime they can be in battle or in card match at the shiftend. That's why i came out with 100 people, wich seems to me a more reasonable size for such a group.

Even having multis, when people are in battle they just don't necessarily think of the market.
OKay, guys, i know there are some "dudes" who wont follow the rule or the price we fix, but if more and more people do that, the mark up profit will increase as well... by the way, 1% will still occur just like in the real market. What we can do with them is to ensure every shift end, we'll go and grab those item, thus these 1 % people wont get the item and sell in the market...
2 or 3 of you?
Guys, I know it might be hard... but ways can be worked out... First, we set a clan which organize the trade... we'll look for more players and make the clan grow... show the benefit of standardizing the price of the items... I need supports... will you guys support me? I need time to elaborate the details...
and if we're success, the clan will grow... the "we" wouldn't be only 3 or 2 of us... If you guys agree... please state that you're agree in the forum... if the response is good... i'll create a clan...
P.s I'll give detail of rules if the the responses are good enough to form a clan~

*this is important for those who look for higher profit in LWM*
i am all for profit... state your clan rules, and i might join...
I am all for profit, but such clan should be lead by someone who has a mind for the market. Maybe fusei, MrHellRaiser, Fragrance, etc. I dont think such thing can be successfully done by someone with 2 pages long transfer log. :-) ...but I dont see any trader throw 30k for clan registration :-D
Guys, I know it might be hard... but ways can be worked out... First, we set a clan which organize the trade... we'll look for more players and make the clan grow... show the benefit of standardizing the price of the items... I need supports... will you guys support me? I need time to elaborate the details...
and if we're success, the clan will grow... the "we" wouldn't be only 3 or 2 of us... If you guys agree... please state that you're agree in the forum... if the response is good... i'll create a clan...
P.s I'll give detail of rules if the the responses are good enough to form a clan~

*this is important for those who look for higher profit in LWM*
for Omega22:
me with mind for market huh ? thanks for the compliment :)

and i totally agree with what you've said
honestly I dont really think its worth the effort.. if you wanna go in to trading just do it, no reason in trying to gather 100+ persons for just 1 profit idea.

But sure if you have the perfect 100% secure profit idea wich will pay off 1k gold pr. hour, I'm all in.
desperado :)
for demonic666:
So you're willing to spend 30k for a clan? now that's confusing. You want to make standard for def shield at 3400-3500 right? Now here's the problem. Say, you sell def shield at 3500. When it is sold, you get 200-35(1%tax)=165 gold for each def shield. And to restore your 30k money you spend on clan you need to sell def shields at 3500 gold for 182 def shields. I must admit, you're very great when you can sell 182 def shields for some days. Remember that, your clan members are also your competitors in selling the shield. Ok, maybe not only shields as other arts can be done too, but right now what are rare are inspiration ring and def shield only I guess.
When the market is not profiting, then don't sell, wait till its profiting.
But when it happen, a new thread will be here and say market price is too high for def shield, then admin increase the production again.
Just as in real life, the more supply on the item is, the cheaper it is. The less supply the item is, the more expensive it is. And since right now the suppliers(sellers) are many, the market price go down. Its just that simple.
I myself buy def shield for myself, as it is hard to get them, and I'm not willing to sell it in the market and get profit 165 gold after I have waited for the end of the shift and compete with other players.
for iron_eagle:
Thanks for your advise, i do admit that more supplies will cause the price level goes down. But, there are more seller and there're not going to have more products... thus, only if there are more players, and then admin will increase the products which are produced. While the mission of this clan is to set a standard price to benefit the one who put effort into this trading game. Besides, (this is jus a brief idea) the recruitment fees which are taken from the members will be contribute to some expenses and in future, we'll take over more artifacts in other places. Thus, there'll be more items can be sell in the market. Seriously, I know there are a lot of problems where we need to solve if we're going to do it... Yet, if we're not going to give it a try, how are we going to success?? I hope there'll be more ideas can be taken... [email protected] (this is my mail) send it to me and i'll these take ideas into consideration. this might take 1 week to work it out, because i'm having test@@" and rules and regulation which need to set is very important to prevent future conflicts.
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