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AuthorDisruption ray
Can be Disruption ray removed from a stack?
[Post deleted by moderator MasterTI // ]
Cant be removed, but you can re-add defense with stoneskin.

Only thing is disruption ray is permenant stoneskin is turn move
thats stupid thing that disruption,when they spell my garg few times i lost,who made disruption with no turn move durability must were . .. ..
5: that's stupid, if u cant get def mini-arts to prevent that
some spells and abilities are active after we revive a dead stack

I know:spirit link and distrupt.

Do you know more?!
do Disruption ray works to end of combat (no limited time)?
roulete addict wizz without miniarts.....

balance -300k

if you invested that 300k in mini-arts you wouldn't be having so much trouble with disrupt ray.

9" omg once he get disruption and take 5 defense,when u have miniarts it helps u only for one more turn then he take again 5 def and . . ..,pls use your mind
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