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AuthorNeed some help, math people, read this :)
I am still having difficulty tinkering with this whole Barbarian magic resist.

So Today I decided to test a DE Pierce ability versus a Barb Magic Proof ability.


The Lightning spells should be doing 165 damage (with no magic resist in question), but they were only doing 119 damage IE only 72% (118.8 rounded up is 119) of the spell was effective.

So anyway. DE faction was 7 and Barb Faction was 8.

It breaks down as follows.

Barb: 5%+7%*[Barbarian skill level]
DE: 10%+8%*[Dark elf skill level]

Barb 5% + 7% (8) = 61% Magic Proof
DE 10% + 8% (7) = 66% Magic Pierce

So if the Pierce > Magic Proof why has the Magic Proof weakened the spell by a whopping 28%?

If I have time to write out more numbers and think about it, I'm sure I can reach something...but I'm quite busy at work, so this will have to bug me at the back of my mind until someone can figure it out for me :)

Well 66% magic piercing means you pierce 66% of his 61% magic resistance. So he has 61% * 0.34 = 20,74$ resistance left. This already means your damage should be around 130.

This needs a more official answer though how exactly mechanics work :)
Oh yea, I already explored the possibility that the % difference in question was maybe related to faction def bonus...but the Barb I fought had 0 DE faction.

So yeah, any theories are welcome.
61% magic proof

66% magic piercing, pieces 66% of 61%, so 0.61*0.66 = 0.4026

1-0.61+0.4026 = 0.7926 magic damage dealt
Magic Damage - original magic proof + magic proof being pierced, I think that should be right
I think the piercing magic is only against Immune ability .. as long as I know .. DE still cannot "pierce" the magic proof had by barbs .. :)

I got the same number...so did Jabbar, and a few of my friends. The spell should be doing 80% (so -20%) of its damage.

Instead, it is only doing as seen in this battle (and a few others people have looked into for reference in their own battle logs) a thus far unexplainable 72% damage.
do they have anything else adding to the magic resistance? Such as cape of winds/arcane cape, or any enchants
7 + Just checked myself, no other things to protect against it, not even any faction levels in other factions
further statistics:

Spell damage reduced by 64.35 due to 61% magic proof ~ 64 damage left, 165 - 64 = 101

66% piercing on 64 damage = 42.24 ~ 42

101 + 42 = 143

56% piercing on 64 damage = 35.84 ~ 35 (presuming rounddown & incase the 10% wasnt included)
101 + 35 = 136

Only other thing I can think of is maybe it has something to do with the talents you also had, as they were very magically based, maybe the barb magic proof somehow gets messed up if those are applied before/after the magic proof
I didn't have magic enhancing talents. The talents were to boost Hero's ability to cast, and to enable level 3 Magic spells without the needed talents.

Plain and simple, there is either an error with the code...or there is information not being shared.
greetings Limustudotcom,
I share with your curiosity, I assume
is incorrect,
according to my previous calculation,
The formula is very likely this

so your true piercing ability is 54%, and final damage should be 71.94%
this applies to both your lighting and fireball spell.

and yes, it is the same formula as barbarian's

Ironically DEs are mostly busy with their might build and no one cares about this poor racial ability.
Well if Zehir is correct numbers do actually fit to what happened in that battle.
So either it is 2 mistakes on the Racial Abilities formula that needs to be corrected, or it is an error in the code that has to be adjusted.

Either way, we have stumbled across a major error in the game :)

I'll include this thread in the bugs section and see if they ever do anything about it.
Maybe he had 20% magic resistance from talents?
If LordSchniesel is LS's opponent, then he hasn't 20% magic resistance..
The magic piercing does not apply to the damage done by magic, but the ability to pierce with that magic. The magic strength depends on spell power and additional enchantments.
for Zehir:
you right

Zehir's formula is very accurate...but as stated above, that is not the one posted by the Administrators. So either the Admins posted the wrong formula and that has to be changed (very easy fix), or the admins have coded the existing formula incorrectly into the game and need to update the code itself (harder to fix, but still relatively easy).
So either it is 2 mistakes on the Racial Abilities formula that needs to be corrected, or it is an error in the code that has to be adjusted.
One mistake from what I understand - DE piercing formula.
[Post deleted by moderator sry // ]
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