Author | High Level Hunts |
Hi all (esp all level 12s and 13s),
I have read on numerous threads that hunts get almost impossible to do at the highest levels, and I'm curious as to how hard these hunts actually are.
When you talk about these 'impossible hunts', are you referring to taking them on solo, or are they impossible even if you are joined by a fellow level 13 player?
I mean, if TWO combat level 13 players can't do 99% of the hunts, then imho, something is.... not right with the game's mechanics. |
I'm asking coz hunts that I feel are impossible to do alone, are a cinch when I team up with another player. Of course, I'm just a lowly level player, and it may not apply to those hunts at level 12-13.
Thus, my question in #1. :) |
I`m not a high level but can say that fullart...craft etc. is only way).
Game is more interesting with these so-called "impossible hunts". For example, in .ru there is a player who has more than 4800 hunrs. He did it=).
So, go guys, good luck.) |
AFAIK solo hunts. Normally you only ask for assistant when you want to break global records. What impossible means is that hunts are impossible soloing with full arts.
Whats not right? We need tier 5 upgrade and Magic school level 4, which both come in with or without diamond at level 13. also on .ru there are more creatures to hunt (dwarven, elementals[?] etc.) and they get better artifacts. |
I think hiddenshadow is right. The majority of my hunts are now getting to the stage where they cant be beaten without major luck or hunt partner.
If you want my advice, follow what kotrin said while back. PVP more, save your hunts and mercs for as late as you can. Of course dont completely level through pvp then your alot weaker but dont hunt like alot of us have done.
Also theifing plays big part in the game at later levels. I mean apart from pvp thiefing is the only way for me to train another faction. If i change to necro for example with racial 4 i cant beat 1 of my hunts. Hell even with racial 9 i doubt i could :S |
For example, in .ru there is a player who has more than 4800 hunrs. He did it=).
name that guy, please. my question is _when_ he did most of his hunts? rules have been changing on .ru over time, and what was possible a year or two ago, is totally impossible now. and this server reflects all the major changes made there, including hunts (no more 0.5 skill points if you lost etc.) |
Maybe you are not familiar with the exponential function as the 99,9% of people in the world.
I'll try to say it in a easy way, you may learn something usefull in you life too.
If I remember well, every hunt you win (with or without a help), the number of that kind of monster is increased of about 30% for your next time. This 30% is the only thing I'm not totally sure about, but it doesn't makes a big difference.
Increasing a number of a fix fraction every time means to apply an exponential function. When you do so, your starting number doubles every 100Ln2/fix fraction. In our example (assuming a growth of 30%) it is 69,3/30 = 2,31. This means your starting number doubles every 2,31 times.
You face farmers for your first time at level 1 and they are only 10. Are you able to calculate how many farmers will you have to face if you beat them 23 times? Let's calculate! 23 time is means to double 10 times the starting number (10*2E10).
10 farmers (after 2,3 times you double the farmers!)
10x2 = 20 farmers
20x2 = 40 farmers
40x2 = 80 farmers
80x2 = 160 farmers
160x2 = 320 farmers
320x2 = 640 farmers
640x2 = 1280 farmers
1280x2 = 2560 farmers
2560x2 = 5120 farmers
5120x2 =10240 farmers
Maybe now you understand the exponential problem... After only 23 times adding a 30% more, now your 10 farmers are 10240. And now in less than 5 other times (4,62 for precision)...
10240 x 2 = 20480 farmers
20480 x 2 = 40960 farmers
Do you think we have a problem or I have to continue?
The exponential function is unsustainable on a long period. No metter what you do. As a Biologist I can assure you that "Homo sapiens" is going to face the exponential problem on the real world. Soon! |
Maybe hunting is never meant to be a sustainable activity. |
for Grusharaburas:
Maybe. The part of the game I prefer is PvP and this is the reason why I continue to play this game. I really think is the better online game I ever played.
BUT there are zounds of players who are playing only for PvM and they don't understand that they cannot play forever... |
I already (more or less, in my head) know what you mean, though I didn't exactly sat down and go into the precise maths. :)
I'm sure you are not the first to realize this problem, and the programmer/owner of this (both?) site(s) would have knew about this problem too. So why do u think nothing is done even on the .ru site, since it's unsustainable in the short/long run?
I'm pretty sure someone must have brought it up to the attention of the programmer/owner of this problem.
for hiddenshadow:
Whats not right? We need tier 5 upgrade and Magic school level 4, which both come in with or without diamond at level 13. also on .ru there are more creatures to hunt (dwarven, elementals[?] etc.) and they get better artifacts.
Read what I wrote. I said if "TWO players can't do 99% of hunts...". :p
Anyway, it's sad that the game has come down to the point where, once u reach the highest level, you can't even do a basic thing like hunts..
To whoever-is-in-charge: Are You Reading This? :) |
Oh, and 1 more thing.
To all the high level player, even at low levels like myself, we can't do 50% of the hunts without assist, so if most hunts are still doable with another player, then why don't you high level players form alliance to help one another in hunts? I don't see how this is detrimental since both will not waste arts all the time doing losing hunts.
This way, both players will get 'paid' in their own hunt, if both hunts are won. No? |
I'm sure you are not the first to realize this problem, and the programmer/owner of this (both?) site(s) would have knew about this problem too. So why do u think nothing is done even on the .ru site, since it's unsustainable in the short/long run?
I'm pretty sure someone must have brought it up to the attention of the programmer/owner of this problem.
Since 1970 scientists are trying to teach politiciants and economists that an economic model working only with exponential growth can't works forever. Maybe you know (it's a joke ^__^) that we are faceing a global economic crysis...
Every time you see a gowth of a fix fraction on a fix period of time, you have to face sooner or later the exponential problem.
Economic Growth
Increase on the energy consume
Population Growth
Increase of the number of cars on the streets
5 upgrades, 4th level spells and all the upgrade you may immagine, won't solve the problem.
20480 x 2 = 40960 farmers
40960 x 2 = 81920 farmers
81920 x 2 = 163.840 farmers
Only 7 more times. How are you going to face 160.000 farmers? Exponential growth is not sustainable! |
You know, instead of begging the admins to do something about the "problem" why don't we use existing game rules to extend our hunt reserves. We could like all agree to attack monsters only when the server clock shows 5 at the end. Like every 5, 15, 25, etc, etc.... That way we improve our chances of doing double hunts. XD
But with regards to the admins fixing the "problem," the removal of 1/3, 1/2, and 2/3 hunts should be indication enough of how the admins feel about the situation. Don't hold your breath waiting for it to be "fixed." XD |
instead of begging the admins to do something about the "problem"
I hope you are not referring to me! I don't beg (I haveen't ever) and this time I'm not complaining too. Plus, as I already saied, I prefer PvM! |
I think that halves should be brought back.I wasn't here when there were halves so i don't know if there was an increase if you won.Hunts will be sustained for longer and will allow the exponential growth for more. |
but i realy like it!
u must miss me&i so kind from you dude |
Well when you make all your hunts impossible with DE, you're going to have serious problem with anything else xD |
well, what's the point to keep playing this game when it's getting worse?
Sometimes, I wonder how I can play this long.
It's too hard for us to gain exp compare to .ru serve. They have more monters, more tournaments. |
Maybe if you guys just picked up PvP you wouldn't have a problem. I'm not going to support anyone who says they cannot get experience. PvP...if you don't like it that's your problem...for all you know, the admins are trying to get more PvP.
I'm not trying to be harsh, but I just don't like people who won't PvP. It's annoying. |
You can always plan ahead and go truce with clan/friends and do assist hunt only.
The main would score no kill and let the assist kill the whole hunt for no growth. Pair up and even though your skill pt is twice as slow, it will always be doable. |