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Authorfines for afk
if someone goes afk on perpouse (some people do) they should give them a fine this fine only works if the person flees in combat

why i think this is good:

1:it will have less afks

2:it teachs them not to be afk

1st time:500
2nd time:1000
3rd time:2000
4th time:4000
5th time:account blockd

+1 = u like it
-1 = u dont like it
After combat level 5 there's the minimum ap rule so players already waste money if they are afk. No need to fine them extra what if there's a connection problem?
for HammerHand:
hmm.. ur a smart one

they will have to say they have probs ok?
and what if they can't their pc crash on them and can't do a thing. so should they be fine if they can't say they have pc problem. I think you should stop bothering and lvl up higher. around lvl7 and up there are a lot less afk and by that time your prob too busy doing merc hunt or thieving around to notice afk anyways. -1 not needed.
This is crap idea, been suggested and bashed so many times.

What happens if there internet goes down or computer crashes. I mean my internet dies VERY often im just lucky i have fast router so it restarts in about 15-20 seconds. But some dont. If this happened to some people they could get blocked for something they had no control over.

I think you need to stop making dumb ideas.
:D +1 to MasterTI
You know, I keep seeing the counter argument "what if my connection is bad?" and it makes no sense. The only thing I care about is playing with other players who are actually playing the game -- I don't care why someone is AFK -- only that they are AFK. It makes no difference if the player is AFK on purpose or not -- the end result is the same.

If your connection is that bad why are you playing an *online* game where *other* players rely on you to be there?

I also see the counter argument, "just level up higher", and again -- it makes no sense. What that amounts to is "play more of a game that you are annoyed with in order to get to a point where it won't be annoying". Guess what, most people will walk away before then.

AFK players is a real problem that is likely turning off a lot of people who would have stuck with the game. The "everything is fine" argument doesn't cut it. Neither does saying things like, "I think you need to stop making dumb ideas." From what I've seen since I joined, server population is flatlined -- people might want to really think about the reasons that it's not growing.

I don't think there are many afks when you raise your combat level enough... And you can always play with players you know.
Just put an AFK icon by their username. And an option in GB not to let those join...another symbol for AFK connection if needed.
If your connection is that bad why are you playing an *online* game where *other* players rely on you to be there?
This game was created for fun not for ruining the fun.If you can't stand how the game is, then why are you playing it?You think that everyone likes to see people talking like this and destroying their mood?
This game was created for fun not for ruining the fun.

Yes, and ruining the fun for others is being AFK, no? For any reason whatsoever, an AFK player ruins the fun.
The problem are not those who occasionally AFK due to technical problems or unexpected real life affairs, the problem are those who systematically AFK and you can report those in C&A forum if you can prove they did it on purpose.
for fusei:

but too harsh

Just lose -2 luck (the usual) and 300 golds

However, there should be an afk-counter i.e. recorded number of matches lost for being afk.

or afk-related defeat: win (in PvP only) RATIO player info.. if extremely bad (like 10 afk-defeat : 1 pvp win), player get banned.
for Heed:
I pity the day that your own connection fails due to regional slowdowns. Don't assume that connections and internet service outages are the domain of a few. everyone is subject to such problems.
Anyone could have a power trip in their house or neighbourhood, your local Service provider could suddenly fail, the internet cable lines could be cut due to some irresponsible guy with a spade digging for gold in the Nevada Desert.
People play the game for fun. Even in worldwide tournaments of Counterstrike, Unreal, X-Box Live games or even WoW guild quest instances (those not held in a single location), there are low connectivities and line drops. Are you saying these guys shouldn't be playing at all?

Be nice to others. It's not their fault.
everyone is subject to such problems

So goes the story of the card game without electricity. :-(

power outs kicked off computer ... to many reasons other then being bad sports for afk....

ive gotton kicked off a few times myself
+1 to idea; but as many people already commented that afk happens to everyone.
-1 to the penalties suggested.

I like the counter idea recording how many times people have afk'ed out.
for MasterTI:
u wanna talk
u havent even made 1 IDEA and if u made 1 it whould be so crap
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