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Authorfines for afk
or Heed:
I pity the day that your own connection fails due to regional slowdowns. Don't assume that connections and internet service outages are the domain of a few. everyone is subject to such problems.
Anyone could have a power trip in their house or neighbourhood, your local Service provider could suddenly fail, the internet cable lines could be cut due to some irresponsible guy with a spade digging for gold in the Nevada Desert.
People play the game for fun. Even in worldwide tournaments of Counterstrike, Unreal, X-Box Live games or even WoW guild quest instances (those not held in a single location), there are low connectivities and line drops. Are you saying these guys shouldn't be playing at all?

Be nice to others. It's not their fault.

Of course the *odd* occurance can happen to anyone -- including me.

That's not what I said now, was it? Let's look at what I said:

"If your connection is that bad why are you playing an *online* game where *other* players rely on you to be there?"

I didn't say if your connection is not rock solid you shouldn't play -- I said if your connection is *that* bad. And to elucidate on what "that" means in this context, I mean if your connection drops frequently enough that you are AFK on a regular basis.

And it's nearly impossible to tell *why* someone has gone AFK, so to say "it's not their fault" is ridiculous -- you don't know and neither does anybody else why the person is AFK. This is exactly the point -- the "why" doesn't matter -- the end result is the same to the other players.

BTW, I never proposed zero tolerance. The odd AFK for anyone is okay -- which is why I started this thread a while back:


I got the usual, "level up" and "bad connection" responses there. Seeing them trotted out again here spurred me to reply.
for drakelord:
Well thats where your wrong. You do know you can have ideas on the forum without posting right...

Oh no i forgot your a child and dont use your brain.
-1. Thumbs down to this idea... Do I really need to explain why? O_o

How will you know, that they did it on purpose?
You know, I keep seeing the counter argument "what if my connection is bad?" and it makes no sense.

Oddly, I support this idea. I've been playing the game on a weak Wi-Fi network for some time and often experienced connection problem. During this period, I just stick to PvM games as not to hurt any group battle by being AFK at the critical moment.

People should adapt their gameplay to the quality of their connection. No one choose to play World of Warcraft with a 56K modem.
1st time:500
2nd time:1000
3rd time:2000
4th time:4000
5th time:account blockd

If I remember right, 2 times I was afk when I set ambush and forgot about it when the kitchen took fire. +1 time I was traveling and away(I think it was my first time being ambushed), +2 times in group battle(of which one of them we have won because connection went down in the end and second one I have payed about 300-500 gold to each of the teammates)

So it is up to 5 as far as I remember, you can start blocking.
Afking is not the worst thing you can do.Everyone here has afked either he want it or didn't want it.We are wasting our times with these "important" matters while people are cheating with the worst possible way_._
-2 to the idea :/
6784478*675^5+767483-x^2=-?????? lol
6784478*675^5+767483-x^2=-?????? lol=79945885123,221364
People should adapt their gameplay to the quality of their connection. No one choose to play World of Warcraft with a 56K modem.

Hehe, actually it works. During the first year I used 56k modem. Worked for the most part, the real issue was the server instability which affected all players.

Anyway with the long turn times and the 5 turn before afk'ing out, this game is made for those who have connection issues. Those with hicups in their connection can easily restart their connection, router, or even their computers without afk'ing out.

this is a bad idea because of power outs, internet failures, or computer crashes. Happens all the time. Stupid idea!
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