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AuthorSwordsmen or wolfhounds
7. Move your hell hounds up but make sure their swordsmen can reach[/quote xxfaithxx-so you mean let the swordsmen chop you first?
so you mean let the swordsmen chop you first
Actually, he's using them as bait to draw out the SM. If the SM come out, you can get at the bowmen, if the SM doe not, your wolves will attack the SM
not worth it right?
demon are too slow-slower than SM
so they cant get to bowmen-and then SM?
demons speed: 5, init: 7
SwordsM speed: 4, init: 8

but the topic is : SM or Wolfhouds , & wolfhounds are twice as faster than SM... almost double speed & init.
what is easist for demon level 3 to beat?
knight or barbarain maybe?

21*2 should be 42 damage, but it's more =) tanky stuff.

what is easist for demon level 3 to beat?

Any, but i think necro for their slowish and manas that we can break.
Well, there's a topic in General forum but i want to share demon things :D

demons speed: 5, init: 7
SwordsM speed: 4, init: 8

True, truly true. But do you think that an average 16 SM can deal 130 damage (10 demons perish) with only one strike? I can get +7 to attack with enraged. 7 can change things a lot than we know. since demons overpower SM in large numbers and Speed, Max demons is best to date setup for 3-4 level demon.
first of all this is a topic discussion of demons so should be in general forum

and secondly this is strictly a xwolf vs xswords discussion dont know how bows demons spawns farmers heros and cerebis and gaurdians got in

moreever it is comonly known that all troops are not equal or all would have started with equal no of respective tier troops knights have more swords at level 3 just to balance things out so.. you cnat really compare sword vs wolf unless neutrals started fighting each other with 0 morale
It is possble in PvP, though it will be considered Staged combat
it is not a topic of demons it is a topic of a person asking what is better when a sword and a hound have the same amount of creatures.
that is a question that has no link to either faction forum though a general forum that discuses both.
since there isn't that type of forum then he asks it in the closest forum to that.
any all it would depend on the perimeters of the creatures.
This thread is (near to-) worthless, close is a good thing now, Answer have been many :p
i agree
demons will win most of the time in a pvp...but it also depends on the player weather they are noob or pro

for Head-Shot and Zeroana:
Not for you to determine.

But I think the best thing would be to refer to the faction threads to discuss there.
closed by Lady Takesister (2009-07-01 15:56:51)
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