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AuthorIt seems necromancers are a "dead" faction ;-)
The 2nd battle of yours...the guardians really had nothing to do with it.

ViSao was the one who won that battle, and if Antos was shining, it was definitely beacuse of his monks and crossbows, and had nothing to do with the guardians. They got destroyed by 12 ogres and 5 cyclops... ViSao hydra untimately saved them, lol.
Are we still talk about necromancer :))
Or maybe everything is already said (or died).
LOL as a Knight, i feel it is my duty to defend my own race, but i also think this topic should revert back to the dear ol' necro (though im raring to go for a knight-supporting comment!)

well, as far as i see, with my brother being a necro and me being a knight, (my 2 other brothers are a DE and a Knight), i must say necros firstly are SLOW (IMO). Vamps might get the better of Griff and other units in Duels, but in GBs if unsupported necros just cant cut it out. raise doesnt seem terrifying like it was before, and i dont see many might necros at my levels so there's nothing to fear if i can get swords at a necro's helm.

DE is just a really broken race (i know, my sub-account is a demon/DE) but they have weaknesses too, dont forget. a quick, smart and savvy elf would be able to terrorize the melee units of a DE quite profoundly with their range or a knight might reel 'em in and let xbows do the talking IF shrews are down.

Conclusion: its all a matter of what do u like to play with, and whether u would dare to challenge your own weaknesses =)
Well I'll tell you this. Level 8, 9, 10 DE start to shine, but are still UP IMO....At level 12 however:

1. They get a shooter!!!!
2. Upgraded lizard is MUCH better:
-------1. 7 speed, keeps up with tier 5 creatures
-------2. Assault amazing for hunts and can be deadly in GB as well
-------3. More hp and damage allow them to easily deal 1000+ damage after cutting through all defense. If not taken down before they strike, one stack gone... 40 guardians dead, 70 wolves dead, 50 orcs dead...these things are beasts!
^^ 62: Everytime when someone think his/her faction is the worst, there'll be always similar stories from every others :D
you can alwais switch back to necro, by the way necro supposed to beat DE at levels +12
I hope I will be able to beat every faction at level 12+ :D
necro supposed to beat DE at levels +12

necro always beats DE lol
66 ->

any example? or it's just supposed? :D
I rarely see necro in battle.
I dislike DEs... hmm... I'm trying to bring glory to the necros by beating as much DEs as I can... When I was a knight I had this awesome strategy... but when used on demons, necros, and wizards it almost never worked(especially against necros) so i changed to necro...
I'm trying to bring glory to the necros by beating as much DEs as I can

u can't!

i was necro before
necro can't beat de at all
Atheros, it depens on level. Since you are lvl 5 now, you don't have many options in your fights.
knight are good it's all about tactics u just have to chose right parameters and have really smart plan for each battle against other fractions
i was necro before
necro can't beat de at all

That's funny! ^__^

I'm quite sure I can defeat DE at level 10 with the same ammount of AP. But, as I like to make experiments from theory (and in a game like this, experiments are enjoyable), why don't we try and check?

I'd like to have a nice, fair and "experimental" duel with a DE of level 10. If anyone would like to help me with my researches, I please him/her to send me a pm ;-)
i think lvl 14 - 100% Demon
for Atheros:
with adv defence and be a Might-Necros, yes u can do that .. Just kill the shrews first and block the lizards from ur shooters .. shoot lizards, block hydras, minos too slow, u can kill them .. :)
yah anyone who thinks DE beats necro...wrong lol

Any faction with a half decent shooter beats DE lol
I am Necro because:
-plague shoot and dominion of pain can send little "soul destroyer" to enemys army;
-I like them
-Vampires are hard to kill (send 20 forest keepers onto 8 vampires and see effect :))
-I like them xD.
-Be Necro allows me to think more about people live...

I am Necro, i was Necro and i will be Necro.
I am level 6 necro and I have dominion of mind. I use mass delay on as many units as I can, and then I use curse only on the strongest unit. It uses a lot of mana but it gives me and my teammates some initial advantage. Whit 3 spellpower the spell last for 3 turns. So far this tactic works great against DE, knight and barb. Not so well against elf and wiz.
I have readed much about nekro players and i think they are very intresting , the first winner on First Minor Tournament was nekro lev 8

1 CMEPTb [Necromancer] 8 (kusika was 3th)

50 diamonds its sure a good reward ,he was blocked for not paying debts on time , very good player
First blinfold tournament and what we got?:

1. Kusika [Wizard] 18
2. walker [Necromancer] 17
3. Maia [Necromancer] 15

2 nekromancers maia is still playin but changed faction :(
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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