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Authornecro faction.. tactic. tip. etc.
Zombs are one of your main units on lvl8 and 9!
You can use them in MG,when thieving,I saw some lvl 9 necros using them in hunts,they canbe good there too,but not in every situation.

In lvl 8-9 PvP I dont know if they are good or not,you can suit yourself..point is ghost die faster :S!

After lvl 10 there is almost no more use for zombs expect for doing monster quest.
Well if you are a might necro infected zombies are usually better because they don't need continuous raise like ghosts do.
I have a lvl 5 Necro multi account i switch him to a might necro because i do more hunts and less pvp is it better ? i gave him 20 mana instead of 50 and the rest I put into attack. I noticed the difference in damage immediately.

At lvl 5 is it really better?

I picked his talent as Spirit link so he can get more mana seeing as he only have 20. Shoudl i switch to basic erudition and put the extra point in attack?
advantage on MG:
yeah.I think necro is fine(feel good myself)
even we are something annoyed because of bad talent wheel.like need 11 points to get one defend talent and no offend and luck talent.but we have the most useful troop.zombie's infect strike,ghost's dodge,vampire's life drain.then you can do amazing things that other faction's player never think about.
offend talent:
if adm think +1 min/max damage is imbanced to this game for necro's hundreds of skeleton bowmen.they can remove this talent but left melee damage increase,tactics even mass rapid.
luck talent:
some peaple said if there is luck talent,necro can easily get 5 luck cap with ring of doubt.but they never think necro have no morale.other life faction can get luck+morale more than 5 when high level.even luck is slightly powerful than morale but 5 luck is never better than 4 morale and 2~4 luck(thief amulet+morale ring X 2 + 1~3 luck talent)
At lvl 5 is it really better?


i feel good

+ MasterTI is now a necro!
Ok I am holding a talley here are the options oh here is the question also

Which talent should you pick as a LV5

A.Spirt Link
B.Basic Defense
C.Basic Nature Spells
D.Basic Erudation
E.Basic Dark Spells

Which one
All faction have some advantages, i think that here we have good players and bad players.
At the moment i was win 37 TG battle and still not lose, so necro is not bad in ambushes
Tactic is the most important in this game
On lev 10 1 on 1 necro can win easy DE, Barb and Mag, with rest of faction i was not fight 1 on 1
In group battle very often necro decide result, if play good that team win.
So necro is one of the best faction if you know how to play with him
to jorick. you is 100% right

but necro shall watch out for 1 vs 1 until they become high lvl
what lvl is the best for a necro to ambush
i'd say lv 8, the infected zombies help quite a bit.

you can try a might build, with max infected and vamps, rest ghosts lich and skele. liches are excellent for distracting enemy.

put all stat points on attack and about 30 mana, spell power isn't necessary.
this combined with vitality is quite scary.
does anyone know how spells will have upgraded liches plz? (Iam just courious)
Level 6. For every faction it is best to start early as thief ambushes get close to impossible expect perhaps for DE, which can cut through defense, and of course shrews and hydra. DE was built for ambush :D
Archlich (upgraded lich) have the following spells - poison, curse and weakness, i think they are cast at advanced talent level (like other casters) and for turn based spells, no. of turns = number of creature in stack.
gurumao very nice told, I almost finished level 4 TG with same strategy :) (even useful on lvl 9 with spirit link for raising lich again and again)
^^ So might build is better for thieving esp. at high level eh.
>>> But infected rather useless at GB.
DE was built for ambush :D

elf is rather good at ambush:
Very high intitiative (on everything lol)
broad attack and battledance combined to rip apart the mob of things in the middle lol.

Yeah, but DE has hydra- shrews just kill anything, and lizard is perfect for giants, titans, devils, anything with high defense.
i will admit elf is very bad against the 1 BIG stack caravans

but hydras initiative is so slow the efk's battle dance and high initiative are very,very useful
DE i think they only good for duel and ambush.

plus its kinder boring to be DE (THATS MY OPPINION)
de is great in hunt (not opinion but fact)
They are also not very good in pvp.

It really depends what lvl you are talking about.

for jacjac:
from what you have said are you sure you know what you are talking about

necro isnt the worst to ambush its demon.

still i think necro is the best cause it win suvivel turney..

tip necro is the best faction for hunt

these are completely untrue all of them.

I dont mean to insult anyone. Just please think about this.
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