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Authortraveling without units/just one
I wonder, i suppose it's common practice, so it doesn't fall under "purposely lose" or "trow the fight"?
If so, does it fall into "staged fight" if i ask people to travel just to travel around so caravan triggers? :P
1. It is not staged battle if you ask people that are not your level

2. It is staged if they are of your level...because they won't trigger you a caravan...they'll get ambushed by you

Well, the person traveling never agreed to the fight... Having 1 troop shows that they don't want to fight.

It's not illegal to have people trigger caravans for you... But if you end up ambushing the person who's supposed to be triggering for you over and over... It could be seen as being a staged combat.
It's not a staged fight if you travel with no armies or only 1 unit since you never wanted the fight in the first place or cannot even afford the time to fight

It's not a staged fight even you get someone to trigger a caravan over and over again as long as the person does not try to lose and puts up a good fight. Besides he can only trigger your ambush once per 3 hours.

But if you get a person to trigger your ambush with only 1 unit/no units over and over again, then that just maybe interpreted as staged battles since it's obvious he will lose and it's not accidental that you ambushed him.
but wait what happens if u fight with only 1 troop
do they still take some money?
To travel, better with 1 unit only, with the highest init and MUST have retal .. :)
yea the thief will still take the cash
if you travel with no units, the game substitutes your troops with others
example, a handful of monks.

traveling with 1 unit simply guarantees that the fight will be short
so it kinda make sence if one was in a hurry

In my opinion it is better to fight the thief with no arts, and atleast try for a win/or at least some free exp.
i agree with u there
my point being:
If say, it's late at night and there are like 400 people online( like yesterday :P) meeting a caravan is almost impossible( something like LESS than one in an hour -_-).
If i asked someone same level as me to *purposely* travel where i am ambushing to trigger a caravan( or a pvp combat it may as well happen), would it be accountable for if he travel without troops( so basically he know he'll lose if by chance he meet me).
Mind that my purpose is having these f...ing caravan spawn, not engage in pvp combat against he/she
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also an addendum.
if i ask someone *not* same level of me to travel around two location, does he trigger caravans even for me?
do arts lose durability in a thief battle?
yes they do, but the "ambushed" can travel without arts at all and still have a chance to be engaged, so the traveller would lose nothing except time( but the thing can be mutually done if he have to bring TG up too :P)
if i ask someone *not* same level of me to travel around two location, does he trigger caravans even for me?

yes, but i believe they must be level 6+
if i ask someone *not* same level of me to travel around two location, does he trigger caravans even for me?

Caravans are triggered by another player +/- 1 traveling along your ambush

As for your thread topic, my personal opinion is that I believe this is a grey area, since you are asking someone to 'assist' you in the game, WITH the possibility of being ambushed by the thief.

But like #3 said: It is not staged battle if you ask people that are not your level, since anyone +/- 1 can help u trigger an ambush without the possibility of being ambushed by you.

I believe if you are 'honorable', and your SOLE intention is to trigger an ambush, and not to get an easy TG point by ambushing the same player over and over again, then my opinion is it's ok. With the 3-hour penalty, one can't possibly ambush the same player over and over again unless,

- you only do an ambush once every 3 hours,
+ and set your ambush in some remote area of the Map where no other player would normally walk.
+ you ask the same 'player' (IF it's indeed another 'human' player) to trigger over and over again.

And since the majority of us rents a TGI, and time = gold, no thief would set their ambushes 3 hours apart + ambush in some same remote area + ambush same player 4-5 consecutive times in a row.

Other than that, I personally think it's fine. I have found ambushes gettting longer and longer to trigger as I move upo the combat levels, and I really can't imagine those that are lvl 12-14 having to waiting HOURS just to trigger ONE ambush, which is a distinct possibility since there are so few players of that level around.

Since an ambush can trigger anytime, and you can't do anything else like play the Twin Tower game, or move around to replenish resources and arts, etc (except read the few new replies in the forums), you can't move away from the PC for more than a few minutes while waiting for an ambush to trigger. So you are kinda stuck there for the duration of the wait. And if you are at a very high level, the wait could literally be more than hour.

That's why I personally feel it's all right to trigger an ambush IF one don't have an intention to get easy TG points with the same player(s).

After all, this game (like all other games) is about fun and passing our free time playing and enjoying a game, not spent hours sitting next to a PC waiting for an ambush that may take 'forever' to happen..
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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