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omg i just found out that i need 5 ap to be able to fight .that means i need 1 steel sword over 1200 gold and 1 defender shield over 2500 gold just to fight. Is this correct and how do i make this money?? 2 days of enrollment in a sawmill just to play the game??tell me this is a joke becuase if this isn`t im done wth this game.
everyone quiet...
there are chraper arts combinations and if u add those together, there only like 100-200 gold per battle, and u get that much in most hunts
yes, so are rules. but it isn't so bad as you think. you can resell worn out arts for 40% of value and normally get more gold for hunts etc. then you need for ap requirements. it only hurts a bit at the beginning, later you won't worry about that little amount of gold.
sell you wood and ore and your get the money for AP's
you can resell worn out arts for 65% of value, and the cheapest way to get 5 AP is by using light axe + defender shield, they cost much cheaper per battle than you think, and you'll be fine as long as you enroll every hour when you are online
ok this is the point i should be able to fight with my bare hands if i wanted to .i mean i cant even buy a rusty sword and fight .i have to buy a certian combination of weapon shield and armor just to fight .i mean i should be able to pickup a stick an bash someone just like r reeal life .you think if this was real i couldnt bash your head in with a baseball bat or my hands?now i know its a game but hey news flash i wanna have fun playing it and enrolling at a mill for 14 hours is boring.personally i think it`s the stupidest thing i ever heard of .is like i have to do fustrating task like enrolling every hour to make money to play the game .i thought a game was supposed to be fun not fustrating .
i just dont understand i dont have to get arrows for my archers but i have to have a certian combo of weapon`s for my hero just to fight.
i cant even buy a cheap sword and enter combat .jesus i think some people must have hot air for brian`s or something anymore. and they goto college to boot .ha tons of book smarts but no common sence at all.
Point: It is not logical that one MUST wear artifcats. No argument from me.
- Possible Counter Point: Your hero is proud and refuses to go to battle without "proper" gear.
- Possible Counter to the Counter: but it is my hero, I tell him what to do.

Bottomline: It is coded that way.
Personally I don't see why either - except for draining gold. But that would be drained anyway as for some actions one really needs more than min-AP. *shrug* No clue.

What I wonder is, if you don't buy artifacts at all, how are you that "poor"? I play wizard, arguably the most costly faction "thanks" to mini-artifacts (which are not really luxury but necessity, regardless of what the manual tries to claim) an really have no big problem running cheap AP.
hmmm why am i so broke.

This magical energy concentration site is the place where elvish priests meditate and study magic. Allows to recruit from 4 druids upward.
Required level: 5
Cost: 1,500 20 10

Magic Guild level 1
Holy and Nature Magic Schools: Rapid, Magic punch, Bless.
Required level: 5
Cost: 5,000 5 5 3 3 3 3

Required constructions: Stonehenge
Level 5 is expensive. However, if you hunted to level 5, you'd have enough money.

And soon enough, you won't be able to win a hunt without artifacts anyway.
ok your right i could probly get the gold.but i stand by my statement it`s stupid and fustrating and makes no sence to me what so ever .i broke my right hand 2 days ago .it hurt`s like heck and im forced to use my left so this also has me fustrated an this is my last rely.
dude take it easy dont worry.....it JUST a game and i think u shud be able to get enough money to play properly....if u r not comfortable playing it..get diamonds and convert it to gold or bet in roulette if u r lucky....or JUST QUIT THE GAME..find some other "PRICELESS' game online
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
There are many ways to earn money. Go read the sticky about earning money...

And your low labourers' guild rank is also affecting your income. So many people have survived with the ruling and you cannot?

I suggest you take things easy and actually enjoy the game as it is mean to be enjoyed and not how you want to enjoy it.
"everyone quiet.."

He wants help so we r ready to help him :d.buy def shield and light axe.its the best ap combination
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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