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Authormax grems
is better to do this? or max gargs?
max gargs
why is this?
Gremlins aren't that good, and gargs have high health. And with wizard hunt bonus, they can do okay damage.
hunt bonus?
Yes Wizard does bonus damage in hunts. I forget what thew formula is, but the higher your Faction level, the higher the damage.
only spells of wizard are stronger against neutral creatures i thought

so i would go for gremlins if i were wizard (master gremlins are even cooler)
just to give you enemy another possible target (so he wastes a shot) or if he doesn't kill your gremlins (maybe he goes for the magi instead) they can kill some ranged enemy units (such as 2-4 elven bowmen which is imo a lot considering their damage)
magi? when do i get them?
lvl 5
should i put points on all knowledge or half on knowledge half on spellpower?
Always take max gargs: they have more hp, their speed is a lot higher, and they have rage: every time one of your other stacks dies, garg gets +1 to attack; so your gargs can get +6 attack, which is a lot at levels 1 and 2.

For the first levels, only choose knowledge: more magic punches, and better against demons.
the enemy will go for his magi even if he does have gremlins.
and i would say by lvl5 time u would want 3 Spell power and 3 Knowledge.
ur given 1 knowledge then use the talent at lvl5 to put on spell power
put two more on spell power and knowledge. :)
Try asking at the Wizard Faction thread:
i am only lvl 1 that is why i made this, should i wait till level 5 2 buy mini arts? or put defence on gargs?
you should wait not combat lvl but faction lvl. on 4 wizard skill u can purchase +4 hp +5 defence miniarts which would be very nice for your gargs. you can reach 4th fs without minics rather easily - just 320 succesful hunts)
read this https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1855588, it has been very helpful to me.
gremlin is pretty okay at lv 1 - 2, after that they are pretty useless
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