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AuthorRU Clan #2981 Ambassadors of a Foreign Land
Greetings, fellow Heroes of the lands. I have set up an embassy on foreign soil, in a land where dwarfs on bears roam and dragons of magma dwell.

I wish to appeal to any Hero that has already established a foothold in this foreign land to help out in the Embassy to serve any other future Heroes that wish to travel to this new land, to assist any who is lost in the strange culture there and to better relations between that land and our glorious Empire. I regret only experienced Heroes that have done much in this foreign land can be on the rolls of membership in the Embassy.

I wish also to ask any who wish to venture to this foreign land to inform this embassy that we may help you and be a place of familiarity and that you would one day serve the Embassy and be a shining example of the quality of Heroes our Empire offers to these foreigners.

Our address is here: http://www.heroeswm.ru/clan_info.php?id=2981

Membership is open to all who are of Combat Level 5 on the ru server and membership fees is 1500 gold with no taxes at all.

Please contact me either here on on .ru (same name) for more details. Thanks.
Nice work, Sis.
Additional Point:

If it is not obvious, this is a English Speaking Clan. This allows us to use English on the clan forums in the clan thread and also in the clan chat.

It makes it easier for us when playing there.
yeah it sounds good, too bad I'm only lvl 1 on RU...
ya I'm only lvl 2...
[Post deleted by moderator Skunder // ]
I'm level 1 on .ru. Doh!
i'm lvl 1 :( lol i just make it to look around :D
lol i am level 2 there same name btw :)
Only level 3 wizard, hard to level up there and it's sluggish
for BrutalStrike:
survival tournaments FTW!
for Takesister: tHX, Im in !
is any of the clan goals to try to speak admins (who r surely more available at .ru than here) to be warmer with our Foreign Land??

It would serve as a reminder that COM exists everytime one of us does something worthy on the ru server.

We can try to talk to the admin, but I don't think it's really that possible. But given the chance, we could take it.
I'm only level 1 on .ru, but maybe I should spend a few time there. Good idea Takesister
I'm only level 3 but I want to join :( :P
Point of Clarification:

The minimum Level 5 rule is not mine, it's the server's. You need to be level 5 to join any clan on .ru. I've tried to send invites to those below level 5 and it was rejected with an error.
Yes, only level 5 are allowed ((
Takes not long to reach lv 5. What use are you to a clan below lv 5?

I have 15 members in the clan already, but I'm sure there aren't only 15 com players on ru

Support us if you wish to have a presence on ru and let us try to make a place where we can exists there and support each other.
I would love to join ru but dont know russian lol
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