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I dont know why this thread is still going on. MasterTi himself told you it was rule breaking. I, also, have been fined for the same reason, giveaway battle is rule breaking. I, 2 months ago, have talked to Kotrin about the rule to be updated in General Rules, so people dont misinterpret and complaint about it.

Yet, the admins had no time to update that rule and still people believe its not rule breaking. But if you read the 'Keepers Clan Info' you can see giveaway as rule breaking.

I hope I made this clear.
It was not a battle giveaway. Kusika won at the battle. When you do not attack monsters during the help at hunting, having killed more half, it battle giveaway, too?
And which rule break Master Ti? He has been fined, too.
I challenged him to a duel if he kept his recruit count at 1 gremlin.
LoL...he says he won't be playing anymore, but he is still logging his account. So who knows, we'll see. If I were to say I'm boycotting lordswm for 'x' amount of time I wouldn't log until the boycott is over personally ^^
It was not a battle giveaway. Kusika won at the battle.

So you did watch the game, liked it and think we should all play like this?
why not? may be you take pleasure in pain causing, but not all of us
What pain are you talking about?
why not? may be you take pleasure in pain causing, but not all of us

It's a war game. Imagine your favorite world cup football team beating an opponent 3-0. Should they allow the other team two free goals at the end to make them feel good or go for the shutout?
in this case score was closer to 10-0 and finally 10-2, so you don't right.
boooo kotrin
[Player banned by moderator Takesister until 2009-09-12 11:13:26 // No dissing of anyone, especially moderators. No posting with alts either. Ban 1 hour]
for Uliss:
Even if the score was 100-0, allowing the opponent to score just to make them happy is also bad sportsmanship and punishable by FIFA, right?
It might be bad sportmenship but it is not punishable. The team wants that the opponents get some respect. There is nothing bad with that don't you think.
They just wanna be friendly and helpful.
The team wants that the opponents get some respect.

Respect should be earned, not given. :-)
Not right, you can put an example of punishment by FIFA? And the situation differs radically. Football players play, earn it on a life and bring pleasure to spectators. And we play, we pay for it and we wish to take pleasure in game
But I think Kotrin have chosen a wrong way for a respect earn :)
Part 1/2 post:

Seen many threads and comments regarding this issue. Not here to comment on who or what is right or wrong, but just to share some personal thoughts.

There is a fine line to what Kotrin and Kusika did, and I personally can understand where they are both coming from.

The reason I believe this is a touchy issue is that I believe a large majority of us (>90%), at 1 time or another, has accepted an 'offer' of exp/fsp, whether verbally or not.

I have been in hunts where I was assisting players, and me having the slow knight army that I have, usually killed very little by the time we reach the end of the battle. On some occasions, the other player in hunt just passed all his troops turns, without saying a word to me. It's pretty obvious that he appreciated my help in the hunt and wanted me to have some exp/fsp. Sometimes, we say 'thanks', sometimes we just kill the remaining few units of neutrals and finish the battle, say "gg, bye/cya' and move on without giving it a second thought.

So what do we do in this case? I see him passing his turns, and since a player can't 'accept' ANY exp/fsp (even if it's just 1 unit and 0.01 fsp/exp), I also pass my troops' turns? And if I tell him I can't accept it/don't want it, and he/she don't response for whatever reason, we both pass our turns till we both times out, and I get -1 Luck for 2 hours?

What if I get ambushed, my troops get over-whelmed (I always travel with no arts) and left with a few units, and then the thief don't make a move for 1-3 turns and let the timer runs down to 0? It could be that he's trying to let me have some fsp/exp, OR he could have lost connection. So what do I do? I would have no idea which it is since I can't ask the thief during an ambush(!) So, being scared of getting penalized for accepting exp/fsp, I also deliberately miss my turns? The battle would turn to a fiasco..

On a few occasions, I have ambushed some players with a full army (some even in good arts ), where the player never settled his/her troops, and the timer ran out every time it's his/her troops turn. When it was my turn, I just attacked as usual. After 5 turns, I won coz the player I was ambushing timed-out. So with this 'new' ruling, should I also stop from attacking coz someone may think it's a staged battle and the player I was ambushing was giving me free exp/fsp? HOW do u tell 1 from the other?

The reason could be that the player was going for a quest, clicked to the area where the quest was, and then left the PC to do other stuff. Since quests are at least 2 hrs, he could do that, be back in an hr, and still have time to do the quest. Or he could have clicked travel, and then received an important call, etc.

So, should both players be punished coz 1 player was 'giving free' exp/fsp and the other player 'accepted'? How do a mod tell which is which? Impossible. Unless you are God, there's no way to know if a case is genuine or a loophole that some players are exploiting.
Part 2/2 post:

I'm pretty sure most of the players here, probably including mods, since day 1 they joined this site, have 'accepted' some free kills during a battle. So if some crazy-nut was to start digging everyone's combat logs and sent to Kotrin.mods or post in the appropriate forum section, Kotrin or whoever have to punish them all?

I know it's a grey area and I'm not here to judge who's right or not, but I personally feel that just coz this incident involved the 2 top-ranked players here, they should not be made an example for the rest of us.

I understand how Kusika feels. If I were him, I would probably feel really pissed too. He has probably seen it done a zillion times over by players of all levels without being punished. And there he was, just showing some 'mercy/generosity/good-will/whatever', and he got punished for it.

My personal opinion? Unless every case brought up to Kotrin/mods is punished, it's just not fair to made an example of Kusika, just coz, as someone said something like, "they are the top 2 players here and many eyes are watching their actions".

***** PS: I don't know Kusika at all, and have never spoken to him in any form, so I'm not defending him in any way. Just stating my opinion on this issue. *****
But I think Kotrin have chosen a wrong way for a respect earn :)

He didn't fine Kusika for a "publicity stunt" and to earn respect or whatever it is you think his motive behind it was. We keepers don't take fining people as means to take a power ride across the game (which is in essence what you're implying Kotrin did).

We fine anyone who breaks a rule, simple as that. Kusika's way of playing in that battle was bad sportsmanship in that he's giving away fsp to another player to perhaps soothe his feelings (or whatever). Either way the interpretation of the keepers, mods and admins in the game is that its not acceptable. Can the rules be made clearer and not so all over the place? Yes. But that isn't an excuse for people to say "oh I never read the clan page so I did not know".

Mods and keepers can be wrong and appeals can be made to admins; we never pretended to be always right, but constantly whining about it in forums gets neither of us anywhere, yeah?
It could be that he's trying to let me have some fsp/exp, OR he could have lost connection

You are still missing the picture, have you seen the battle? Do you think he might have lost connection? If you move and do not attack, you wont time out. And you cannot move up and down on the map with lost connection, can you?
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