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when will be new news? sens last new passed almost 4 months!
for bogush:
when admin wants it. When does admin want it? Hope it is in this decade. :)
in russian server for example admins minimum one time per month wright some news here as i told sens last new passed almost 4 months!
so? this is english server, not Russian server. if you want to complain, there are plenty of other topics for you to complain in
great now wait when admins want to write any news
for misself:
this server is certain copy from the russian one even there is alexandr(adm) and maxim(adm)
i know it's the same game, but the difference in languages is a very big difference. either way, making new topics won't change the fact nobody knows when the next update will come into action
Well, you know the saying: "No news, good news." :) (joking)

We all are waiting for news and nobody knows (for sure) when/if there will be any news coming up.
not anybody admins know
Correct, but the admins are not among us, the simple players. On .ru you can communicate with them, but not here. So, that "nobody" was referring to "us", the simple players. :)
and how many wars were here? just interested
wanted to ask that admins told that they will update server acc to ideas and when they will do it as ihave heared admins give more importance to .ru server not to this
yep in russian it is more interesting
and how many wars were here? 0, unless the dragon fights count as a "war"

maybe this thread would be better to talk in: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1864025
soon there will be war and i hope after that they will look here
alexandr(adm) and maxim(adm)

the BIGGEST mistake !!! they are NOT admins ( creators of the game , they are lets say like moderator or test players ! ) they only help other admins ( creators of the game ) !!!
(c) from .ru serv forum by Maxim(adm)
Nobody knows, mate. Lots of folks have been waiting a long time--others have quit, tired of waiting.

Take your pick, your guess is as good as anyone's ^^
Keep Waiting, I am sure it will occur in this decade.
Oh yea... pressure building... as i said (by my thread got deleted), if by Christmas there is no update... the pressure valve may burst... but it's ok... our dutiful mods will purge the forum and behave as if nothing was / is / will happen...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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