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Author | Mods are anti-social?? |
Van_GM: if you play alot of PVP, i would accept your comment, but u rarely play PVP at all, so i would take back the credit of ur statements because it's merely your opinion to support yourself. and that can be very misleading.
If anyone, i'm probably one of the person who play most GB in this server, along with alyna, antos, kisko, levy, maia, marked, and probably some that i miss. I grew and improve the game with them.
And as time goes, i see player quitting because they rather quit than doing GB, which is ok, whatever people believe. i don't think that we have to do GB to enjoy ourselves, not at all.
and to all the mods: i thought u guys did a great job, whether it's forums or or PM or chat, so i'm sure there must be stress at time. I don't think that u guys are anti-social, but at the same time i do understand the point that limust is trying to say. It's a game so i would love to see you guys enjoy the game part. I still remember i played GB with Pang a long while ago. I don't think limust meant that you all have to play GB, but just instead of 1 hr reading mail, 1 hr of chat, 1 hour of doing anything, how about 1 hr of GB to get to know some of the people who enjoy the game as well. Get to be in battle with them. You may know those players through interaction or mail, etc, but it's quite different when u're with them on the same battlefield working together to win. Please understand that i don't mean to criticize anything, if any, the purpose of this thread was encourage everyone to enjoy the game more from any perspective of the game. | I think I'm with Kotrin on this one. I understand players will have their OPINIONS, and make no mistake, this is an opinion of yours limus (not the facts about so few PvP bouts, or even that mods may be 'models' for LWM). Above all, mods are Players of LWM, and we can game as we see fit with the time alotted us. If this wasn't the case we wouldn't give two shakes about what really goes on half the time.
Furthermore when I started playing (yes way back in May 2008) I never signed an agreement with the company to have to do PvP; nothing changed when I became a mod. This game is much more than that. It is hunts, assisted hunts, duels, group battles, roulette (sadly), card games, forums, chat rooms, clans, developing skills, and more. Maybe your gaming is limited because of short sightedness??
And as if mods needed just one more thing to have to consider about players putting undue pressures on mods - now we have to worry about our style of GAMING?! And you say it's in our "job description" (post 8) and EFFORT?! Come on!
Effort is dealing with hours of DAILY hatemail, frustrating forum and chat problems all for just doing our ACTUAL 'job description' not to mention the time spent on cheaters, complainers, writing the CoS, reviewing rules, cool-down time spent not wanting to pull our hair out after spending all those hours then reading a ridiculous thread entitle 'Mods are anti-social??' and comments like "Be more social. Get to know the folks you pass judgements on." BTW Judgment is in the rules that ppl break, you can read them as readily as we can. Effort is in still having a positive outlook to this game, our duties, and the players who readily thank us and show their concern for an obviously understaffed group.
Back to the what I was saying about opinions. I understand you have one. Though incredibly off-base, egocentric, and purposely segregating - as it was intended, no doubt. But on behave of those mods who do their job with a diligent and conscience effort, without REQUIREMENT or possibly even such a desire, your opinion is thoroughly dismissed. Now please, go find another way to draw attention to yourself. Please.
@11. and no, I am not in warriors guild...I guess that's cause I dont PvP enough. =P | For Skunder 22:
You are missing the big picture. The title is not a statement, it is a question: "Mods are anti-social??"
Then as you read on, the thread is STRICTLY about the lack of Mod participation in group battles. I can probably count the number of GB's I've had with mods on one hand--this is not sad? On a supposed community-based-war-server?
As for being understaffed, tell the admins to hire more mods. Whatever, that is a pretty bad excuse for secluding yourself fromt he PvP aspect of this game. As I see it (and many others) it would be NICE to see the Mods make an EFFORT to participate in more Group Battles. But as you said, there is no "contract" that says you must, you are free to play with yourself--and by yourself--whenever you please.
But many thanks to the Moderators who aren't intimidated by this FACT (I didn't make this up, it is a reality, I just am pointing it out) and are willing to make a change.
LS | sorry limustu but im now voicing my opinion
the way i see it mods are normal players with a few privilidges, they should be allowed to play the game the way they like and i dont think that mods should be made to PvP there are a lot of players who dont. I myself havent done PvP properly since level 6 and dont intend on it until level 10 or so when i have nice arts.
but the point im making is that mods should be allowed to play how they like IMO | I'll try to be in more GBs with strangers... and spread mod love.
Really, really good sense of humour. ROFL :-)
Van_GM: You are probably talking about group battles with kids(level 5 and lower), because I failed to find any group battle from level 5 upwards in your combat log. I stopped doing group battles at level 7 too until now. I must say they have changed. At level 10+ players are more mature and group battle is really a funny experience with relaxing chat.
Nobody should play group battles if they dont want to. Its their choice. Kotrin spreading mod love at group battle - ouch. | Kotrin spreading mod love at group battle - ouch.
Aw be nice to him :P | Reply to #24
First off bro, I never said the Mods HAD to play GBs lol. I just brought up the fact of their lack of GB activity.
Secondly, they aren't just "normal" players as Skunder claimed. If this were true, we'd all be mods. We aren't. I'm a normal player. You're a normal player. Mods are a part of the administrative staff--they represent a lot more than they give themselves credit for. The burden is heavy, but they chose it.
Lastly, this thread was created to simply inform them of MY opinion that is shared by many. That it would be nice to see more mods PLAYING with 'The rest of us.'
In fact, I'd like to see EVERYONE playing more GBs. But since they aren't on Empire's payroll, why can't the moderators spend a little bit of that gold they get each month on artifacts for promoting the PvP element of the game?
LS | Imo, limus came with good intentions, as the intent of his post was to bring forward an idea on how to establish a rapport with players by going out onto the battlefield and well er.. kkilling each other's units. Well, the gist is communication on the grounf vis participative/cooperative gaming.
But then, to say that the mods are anti-social, is sort of doing them some injustice. They do chat on the chat channels, and post their thoughts and comments on the forums other than casting the ban hammer on some hapless victim... :) | For limus, 23:
Nothing was overlooked. I can read question marks as clearly as you can type them. And I gave you your due when I wrote "not the facts about so few PvP bouts, or even that mods may be 'models' for LWM). I understand players look to us for some MODERATOR type evalutation. I believe we participate in the game aspects that we choose to, as it as been said, we are allowed to enjoy this also. Has it occurred to you some mods (besides the time factor) don't enjoy PvP? Maybe wasting undue time with AFKers when forums and chat rooms go unwatched? The world is bigger than your view limus. Consider it.
But I belive you took it beyond the realm of "strictly GB participation" when you post ridiculous and absurd comments like:
'mods dont make an effort'
-> Overall, or just in what you view as necessary?
"I wrote this thread because some folks have argued that mods are elitist, snobs, etc. But this observation does tend to support that picture. Just trying to help you guys patch up your own image--if you even care, anyway."
-> Until now, I was unaware that someone had called me either. But the 'if we even care' comment is just over the top and not worthy of a rebuttle.
'examples of model behaviour, conduct, etc on this server'
-> Can this be expressed through battling or better through transfer logs and actions? How much moral and conduct seeps through your fingers when playing PvP?
'But my battles are "quality" in terms of server interaction'
-> I didn't realize I was being assessed on my worthiness when I was playing a game.
'supposed community-based-war-server'
-> I thought it was war and money? As to my knowledge all mods still fight, albeit not to your 'standard'. But we also particpate in the community and build up funds (money). So...are we participating in the community/war/money aspect?...yes.
The understaffed comment.
-> I think you placed a bit too much stress on my meaning in this.
"But many thanks to the Moderators who aren't intimidated by this FACT (I didn't make this up, it is a reality, I just am pointing it out) and are willing to make a change."
-> Like I said, I gave you your due on this above. But those facts of a few fights don't prove that we are not committed to the involvement of this game or its components. Like I said. Take a broader scope.
-> And, intimidated? Really? Seems like another non-necessary comment to reply to.
How about this Limus, join a Chat room or a Forum discussion that doesn't have something to do with bashing the game, mods, or admins, and I'm sure you'll find us there particpating in the GAMING OPTION of OUR CHOICE, not to mention actually promoting a beneficial aspect to LWM.
As to the underlining topic though, I personally don't PvP as even mods get frustrated with AFkers too. I'd rather not waste time when other things can get done, that was a choice I made a long time ago. However, just after my post 22, I've received my first challenge in many months (in a chat room no less where I was being apart of the community..hmmm). Situations like this might be profitable for mods who know opponents won't be fleeing. | #28
I thought about that too because I know the mods are in the inquiry room quite often...and they do reply in the forums/pms if you have a meaningful question/argument
But I couldn't think of another word to better descriple their lack of cooperative gameplay with other players on the PvP front. Again, the title is of less importance than what is found within...where everything was explained :) More than anything, you must admit, the title is catchy. People are reading it and sending me messsages in private mail about it. | #29
The effort portion you keep emphasizing from my message--you've taken well out of context. I said that mods need to make an effort to PvP more so that they give more PLAYING time to players on the server.
The average mod is in more battles than I am in a day--but most do them alone. Kudos. You need to get past that and focus on the situation: there are so few active players on this server that it is becoming increasingly difficult to enjoy pvp. The Mods are in a position to help precisely because they are active, and get paid a nice sum of gold each month--why not spend it on artifacts to promote PvP?
You can chat and play while you battle--I do it all the time. Implying that you cannot is simply ridiculous. I am in #153 Clan chat as often as I am able, and do my battles just fine :) I also have the little noise turned on so that if I am busy with other things--like checking my lordswm mail, e-mails, work, etc--I know when it is my turn with a nice little "beep." I guess if you don't have speakers or headphones...this may not work for you...but I dare say that most folks do.
However, thank you for recognizing that for whatever reason(s) mods do not participate in enough group battles...and I am very dissapointed to hear you give up on the fact, rather than to make it better. If there are too many folks going afk in battles (I haven't seen any do that in months) does this mean we shouldn't have them? Should the feature be removed lol? Come on, Skunder, promote all avenues of the game if your words about caring are genuine. Don't say "It sucks, and I want no part of it" when clearly this game was designed to be very heavy on Cooperative player game play on the "War" part. Else the 'newest pending' feature would not be war clans...
Not sure why you are feeling so fiesty today. This thread is meant to show you that people care about what Mods do--and don't do--in this game. Else why waste time writing about it? | for limustudotcom:
Some people simply are not interested in it! I stopped PvP-ing at lv4 or thereabouts and was made mod only only lv7. Just because we are mods and have a responsibility does not mean we must do things we derive no fun out of. At the end of the day I'm a player and I'm here to have fun, not only to have the game grow in terms of PvP.
Yes I applied and agreed to be a mod so I can help the community, but there is also a limit on how much I can do (and personally I'm drawing the line at spending quality time in PvP which imo I can better spend on something else either in the game or real life). I know for myself how committed I'm to the community and the game and just refusing to do a couple of aspects in the game (which wasn't our job or lwm player description to begin with) doesn't make me any less dedicated than the mod who PvPs.
I agree that PvP should be promoted, but it's no use trying to convince someone who derives no joy out of it. Having said that, I believe you had the right intention while making the thread but somehow the sweeping statements you made is what is making this a bitter topic. :/ | Takesister battles with everyone :) and helps everyone in hunts | First of all, the title of this thread is inappropriate and limustudotcom, my opinion is that you should apologize for this. I'm not interested in what's behind it. Author knows best why did he choose this title, but if you start a flame... expect some fire with that! This was not a constructive start up.
The rest of the discussion is a feedback for the mods. You are part of a popular group of this server. Anyone from this group is trusted for not going afk and for playing a good game. Obviously, others do copy your behavior, and lots of players would like to match their skills with yours. This is only an idea for improving some players game experience, who enjoy pvp. Again, it's only a feedback, not a criticism. It's up to you what you do with it.
On the other hand, keep in mind that PVP really takes time... so it's a trade off. Say you have a kid that's brilliant at math, but sucks at literature. Don't make him write poetry, because he'll become average at math too...
Peace! :) | AHA from the replies of some mods: I NOW understand why they are not frustrated as the other players who pvp and (would like to have updates to balance PVP)
No PvP playstyle = no frustration = no understanding of why people create legions of 'where-is-my-update' threads = ban for u for creating ANOTHER 'useless' thread | All of us (who play this game) are already considered as 'Anti Social' by our family or relatives :)
So, there is no need to separate and classify 'anti social' in an anti social community | this game takes to long to play for a whole battle :p
but hey, send me a pm or something, ill normally respond. i got nothing against talking with people | P.S:
I would also like to add that despite my post: Moderators are doing a GREAT job...
BUT is homogeneity in playstyle / ethics / culture of a LARGE number of mods a good thing? | for limustudotcom: you said mods are anti social and need to do more gb. so I ask you do mod need to do gb to be a mod that isn't anti social. I honestly don't recall that not doing a lot of gb is anti social if you haven't the knowledge of what anti social is please don't make yourself look stupid. Interacting through forum,chatroom,and pm is more than needed for mods to be sociable. and if you really just want to do gb with a mod just ask its not really necessary to make a topic about mods being anti social and all you talk about is them needing to do more gb and etc. | How do we know the mods are not Illuminati/NWO agents sent here to enslave us all? Hmmm? I mean, is there any proof they aren't part of CFR/TLC? Just asking..... |
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