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AuthorHow Do I join the Thieves guild?
Topic pretty much says it all. Just wondering how the rent system works? Like, what are you supposed to do to rent one from someone? Thanks

* Prerequisites:You have to be level 6 to start Thief ambushes. You must own a "Thief guild invitation", that can be bought with diamonds or rented to some players who owns one (see the forum in leasing section). You can even buy a thief invitation some are for sale from time to time but they are expensive.

when you rent a TGI from another player, he sends you a TGI which you will use it to join thives guild, and then the TGI dissapears, when you reach Lv 2 in thives guild, you will get a new TGI as the reward, you will need to return this TGI to your leaser

payment depends on the agreement between you and the leaser, it can be gold per day/week etc, or thief art(s) you received as reward for leveling in thieves guild

rewards from Lv 3 upwards are yours to keep, you will also recieve another TGI at Lv 4
Thanks for the link straws. It helped a lot :)
closed by Lord Pantheon (2009-10-08 08:22:01)
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