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AuthorChnage main acount?
I have read somewhere (can remember where!) that you can change your main acount ONCE to your multi, its that true?

If it is, can you do it after you have started TG?

Thx in advanced - Khellendros
yes you can, but:

you cannot trade thief arts or TGI (buy or sell)
you can't send items on repair or enchant

and lots of more, but I think this is most important
Yes you could change your main account but make sure if you have rented a TGI from somebody then you change after completing the whole deal then when you turn your multi as main and then you couldn't change back and one more thing your main would be blocked bcoz it has already violated multi char management rules many time

I am not asking for me (I like my main), but for a friend who wants to lease a TGI soon, and i told him that he should decide witch acount he wants as a main, because i did't think he could change after he had traded with TGI.
Wait, wait, wait. One important information is missing. If you choose to change multi to main. Your new-multi(original main) will probably be blocked, if he did rent TGI, sold or rented thief arts, repaired, enchanted, send and art for repair, enchant, gave someone a loan/gift or any other thing that is not allowed by the rules to do with multi.

So you can change your multi to main anytime, even more than once, but there is a chance of blocking one of these accounts, because the multis have multiple restrictions.
Okay thx Omega, that exactly the information I wanted :o)

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closed by Lord Khellendros (2009-10-18 23:27:44)
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