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AuthorThe Coming Tide
It had been quite a day. After the long awaited Court meeting was brought to a close, the Empress found Herself reading the documents provided by each of the Councilors. Hours passed as She signed off on the seemingly endless piles of paperwork. Placing Her official seal on the last of the documents provided by Councilor Bilir, She let out a dignified sigh of relief. Even as She set the finished documents aside, one of her aides was bringing in another thick stack of parchments. They would no doubt keep Her busy for the rest of the few remaining hours of the day.

Leaning back She motioned to the page, “Set those there on the table, I will get to them shortly.” He placed them as told then stood upright, waiting to be dismissed. “It is alright, you may go.” A sudden thought came to Her now, “Oh, and shut the doors. I wish to not be disturbed.” The aide bowed, stepping backwards until nearly to the doors. He turned and shut them with the utmost of care.

Thoughts of Councilor Bilir’s speech still echoed in Her mind, reminding Her of something She had agreed to earlier in the day. The Empress reached into the center drawer of her table removing a small black box. She laid it before Her, opening it face forward. It held a single object, one which She had used only once before. It looked and felt exactly like glass, clear and in the form of a large tear drop, tapering off to a point at one end. Though solid, the inside of the object seemed alive. She remembered spending long moments when it first came to Her, as she tried to see exactly what it was that moved inside the object. They seemed as tiny strands of hair, glowing with a golden brilliance, swimming in a liquid world on their own. On the surface of the smooth glass there was but one infraction: a perfectly round circle with the letter ‘S’ in its center.

She picked the object up out of its box, holding it in Her left hand. With Her right hand She balled her fist, allowing Her signet ring to come within an inch of the glassy surface, hovering just above where the ‘S’ had been crafted. She knew what would happen when She placed Her ring there, She paused making sure She was ready.

Thoughts ran through Her mind as She pondered what to say, what to ask. At last, She allowed her signet ring to meet the symbol of the ‘S’, the tiny strands began to glow as one, casting their golden hue upon Her like a ray of light beaming down from the heavens. Funny She should think that, for the object She held was a nexus-stone, a piece of the very soul of its creator – the Archmage Sorish. It would allow whoever held it to contact its creator, to bridge any length of distance in a mere moment.

His voice rang forth from the stone, clear and audible, as if he was in the room itself and not across the great sea far away in his homeland. “Ah My Lady, it has been some time since last you graced me.”
She spoke aloud, “You flatter me, Master Sorish, but yes, it has been far too long since last we spoke.”

The voice within the nexus-stone asked, “And how has time been treating you and the Empire?”

She gazed over the piles of parchment on Her desk, “Things here are well. The Empire is in a state of renewal and reformation; ultimately things are changing, and for the better, I believe.”

The voice announced, “Oh good, good! Things here, I fear, have changed quite a bit as well.” The voice paused. “OH MY!” He shouted suddenly. “This is good fortune that you summoned me. I must tell you of recent events here! War had come to us, and in such a large scale that I do not think we will ever be the same.” Her stunned silence urged him to continue speaking. “They emerged from beyond the mountains, a short folk, broad of shoulders and mighty in combat, with wild beards and great skill at weaponry. They wielded magic as well, skilled in both Holy and Chaotic Arts, as well as their own Rune magic. They came with great beasts of Solid Fire, giant elemental abominations that serve them as pets.”

The Empress declared, “That’s horrible! Are you or those who traveled here alright?”

The Archmage brushed it aside, “Us? Oh yes, we’re fine. We won the war. But I did not merely tell you this news to gain your sympathies. Our Empire will heal and be stronger for it, no doubt.”

She asked, deducing what Sorish had in mind, “Then, if that was not your reasoning, what was your intent?”

The voice slowly started to speak again, “Your Highness, these warmongers have left our land, fleeing by ship instead of backing to their mountainous lairs.” She could hear a certain dread in the voice, trembling even through the nexus-stone. He concluded, “Empress, our scouts last reported that they were sailing in the direction of your land...”
He knew She didn’t take the news well. For a split second the communication between them failed as She nearly dropped the nexus-stone. She recovered quickly, placing her signet ring back upon the ‘S’ symbol. “Master Sorish?”

“Yes Madam. I see my news has upset you. Take heart though, we have shattered them considerably. Should they not have learned their lesson and try to resort to warfare again, they would need time, and I believe that your Empire has enough to prepare.”

She tried to sound as reassured as possible, “I certainly hope so, and we will need to begin preparations shortly.”

“I am quite sorry to have brought this news to Your Highness, especially after such a long absence of hearing from You, but was there something else You wished to speak to me about?”

She had nearly forgotten with the news of these strange invaders on their way. Looking out over the parchments spread on her desk it returned suddenly. “Ah yes, Archmage, there was a small matter I wished to bring up with you, possibly after a light hearted chat of course. But with this dreadful news you bring me now I can only think that my resolve in this matter must be even greater than I intended.”

“Well, this is no time for secrets, Your Majesty. Speak Your mind freely.”

“Our Academics have been able to put the mithril that you brought to us on your visit to great use. However, I have been sorely reminded that the supply is running low. With this most recent sign of war upon our doorstep I can only think that a fresh supply of your mineral and its fine products could give us a greater chance in fighting this threat.”

The nexus-stone was silent until at last She could hear the gentle pondering of the Archmage once more, “Hmmm. Well, I have no competence to make a promise. I shall speak to my Court to possibly make a trade available to Your Empire. I will remind them of the danger heading your way, which will hopefully get them to respond favorably. Considering the circumstances, I should do this right away, unless there is something else Your Highness wishes to ask of me.”

The Empress considered Her thoughts, then answered, “No, I think that is all the news I can handle for one day.”

He could hear Her sad laugh, knowing the weight that the recent changes and now the prospect of a possible war were piling on the young ruler’s shoulders. “Take heart, Empress. You will lead Your people through this tough time and a brighter future awaits them. I will aide You with all of my power. Good luck!”

She thanked him once again then broke the connection with the nexus-stone. The room seemed different, as if filling with a pressure which She was sure would pop at any moment. She looked over the parchments before Her, then rose from the desk. The laws and edicts could wait.

She opened the doors from Her study, walking the long hall towards Her chamber still wondering how She would announce that once again war could be upon them soon.
Councilor Kh’Everst moved with a rushed poise, as if understanding the imperative nature of the Empress’ summons, yet too dignified to allow it to show on his face or in his actions. By the time he reached the palace every door was held open by the Empress’ guard, and leading him down to the opulent office of Her Majesty. He had hoped they would meet elsewhere, the Sitting Room perhaps. It would be less formal then, and he might be able to relax more knowing She would be less worked up by the recent council meeting.

The wide doors opened to Her office, She sat at her desk waving the Councilor in with a weak smile. “Come in, come in.”

As he took a seat in a red wing-backed armchair She asked if he wanted anything to eat or to drink. Kh’Everst thought to himself, if I am forced here at this late hour and She will hold office here instead of the Sitting Room I mind as well enjoy some of the finer things. “El’atrazhoul Tea, please,” he motioned to the servant nearby who bowed and left immediately.

The Empress began, “Thank you Councilor for meeting me. I have quite some urgent news, and quite a burden to lay on your shoulders.”

‘Sounds lovely’, the Dark Elf thought to himself dismally. Despite this, he feigned a smile, saying simply that it is his duty.

The Empress dismissed what She perceived was the Councilor’s scornful attitude as the servant entered with his tea. When the large doors had closed once more She began. “I will get straight to the point, Councilor, I wanted to speak to you privately due to your position of being in charge of development and engineering.”

The Councilor nodded his understanding.

She asked, “How accessible would it be to construct a powerful stronghold on the border?”

Kh’Everst was put off by the question, and it showed visibly upon his face. It took many long seconds for him to regain his composure. “Well, Your Majesty, it is within the means of this great Empire, as per our ability to construct such a structure. However, maybe this is a question better asked to the entire Council, as it would certainly require input in areas of some of their expertise as well.”

She returned, “Yes I thought of doing so; however I feel that things have changed since my most recent decision about restricting the Warlord Council to the role of Councilors.”

He said, “Regardless, Your Majesty, there are aspects of such an endeavor that would require the entire Council to answer. As well, I feel it necessary to say that it might help to improve loyalties of the Council if it were brought before them as a whole.”

She concluded, “Very well Councilor. I am sorry to disturb you in this late hour for the mere foolish fears of a young woman. The Council will be summoned on the morrow.”

He finished the tea in his hands, stood and bowed, “No apology is needed, Your Majesty. I look forward to seeing You tomorrow then.”
The Councilors assembled muttering to themselves as to the reason why they were summoned so early in the morning, and as to what their Empress had yet to show. Just then she appeared, walking briskly to her throne and demanding silence with her presence.

She seemed to be in no mood for the theatrical or traditional ways of the Court. She began, “Councilors you have been summoned here this morning to discuss an important affair of this Empire. I suppose by now you may know of this already.” She cast a glance at Kh’Everst assuming he had spoken of their meeting last night. He merely nodded his head to assure Her that he hadn’t spoken anything of the matter yet.

Before the Empress could correct Herself, Councilor Kalirosh had already started speaking, “My apologies Empress, no doubt you have heard of the state of the Empire. It is true, with the recent news spreading throughout the Empire there are certain factions rising up, rioting, talking of conspiracy, and the like. Demons as the most explosive beings by right, are even organizing destructive armies to torment the peaceful regions. We are doing all in our power to stabilize the rebellions, directives will soon be sent to the Mercenaries' Guild; but it may be only a matter of time until they see the good in this Council’s decisions and end the uprisings themselves. Until then we can expect these grumblings and acts of violence to continue.”

Reluctantly, Councilor Arabat added, “Mostly news is spreading amongst the Free Guilds, specifically of the Laborers and Enchanters. There is talk of rebellion against the reformation within the Labor Guild, and the Enchanters are calling for a full embargo from their services. They think to stop the enchanting of elements as a means of strike, Oh High One.”

Instead of changing the issue back to Her own, the Empress questioned the Demon, “Is there anything you can do to put their minds at ease and end these rebellions?”

Arabat answered, “Though I do not personally agree with all of the decisions of our recent meeting, I assure you Oh High One, I am doing all in my power to stabilize this situation. Lady Quetlisse is helping me greatly in negotiation. It will be taken care of.” He bowed low as he took his seat.

Feurlis then took his place to speak, “Your Majesty, we had another situation which to bring before this Court. It is the issue of these War Clans you have proposed. Our concern at the moment is that those you would place as Warlords do not have the proper experience in dealing with the newest creatures which Councilor Thutkra has recently bred and trained.”

The Empress’s fears were realized. The ex-Warlords would attempt a coup, to try to take back their powers. She was at a pivotal point in Her role as Empress. If She bowed to their whims, She would be discredited forevermore and be taken as weak willed. If she denied them, She might be alienating the very Council She depended on for advice and loyalty.

She was pleasantly surprised when Feurlis continued speaking, “We are behind you Empress, all the way. However if these new Warlords are to take on these roles, they will need to be properly trained. It is the suggestion of this Council that a tournament is held in order to prepare them for the trials up ahead.”

The Empress was forced to hold in a deep joyful sigh. She declared, “Your suggestion pleases the Empire. I believe I can leave this to the Council to handle?”

Feurlis bowed deeply, “Yes, Your Majesty. It will be placed as the highest point of business.”
She retorted, “Good. The Empire is pleased that this Council has come to terms with the recent changes, and despite what has transpired so far this day, there is another point of business which must be brought before you.” She could see the anxiety on the faces of some, particularly the Demon Arabat.

She began, “The Empire has received trustworthy reports that a new, global, threat to the Empire is coming.” She watched as the faces of the Councilors changed from anxious to dubious and horrified, as She emphasized on ‘global’. She then went on to describe the talk She had with Archmage Sorish through the nexus-stone, telling them of the invaders from across the sea. When She finished She asked, “For this reason, the Empire wishes to build a series of Strongholds on all borders adjacent to mountains. The Archmage has already had enough time to forget about their war, which means, it happened enough time ago, longer than a couple of fortnights needed to cover this distance by sea. That tribe, if, it headed this way, must already be here, lurking in one of the mountain ridges and regaining power...”

The Councilors were slow to respond, still in shock from the news. Kh’Everst rose in order to get the talks moving, “Your Majesty, I believe that on my side such a task is possible. Of course we would need certain funding from Arabat, and Feurlis, of course, would need to sign off on all of the necessary paperwork.” He looked to them now.
Each Councilor had something to add to this matter, speaking of his or her possible contribution, but then all of a sudden, Councilor Bilir rose, stepping forward and assuming a most serious look. “Ah, if I may interject for one moment please? I do believe that many of the Councilors have quite a lot to tend to as per the reformation and such. Given the situation, maybe I can help with this stronghold.” The others looked at him, the most unlikely of Councilors to be beneficial in a stronghold’s creation. He ignored their laughing eyes, “I do believe that I made quite good friends with the Senior Architect who was responsible for the construction of the pier and lighthouse. And he, the Architect, said that there was a particular Lord whose commitment during those times reached my ears several times. I can call upon this particular Lord to aide me in this venture, and the rest of you can go about with some of the more personally pressing matters.” Bilir stood upright, proud and confident, though still only half the height of the demon beside him.

Seeing that some of the Councilors were torn on this, the Empress spoke up quickly, “Councilor Bilir, this Empire shall entrust you with the responsibilities of the stronghold. Councilor Kalirosh will consult you about the strategic location most suitable for it. If you have any concerns or questions however, you know you can always come before this court.”

The Councilors agreed to allow Bilir to handle the stronghold, and the court was soon to be dismissed. Lady Quetlisse however spoke up, “Your Majesty, there is but one more small matter, I wish to bring before you. I feel it would be best not to announce these coming invaders to the Lordship. Let us not invoke terror and anxiety amongst them, while we are only now coming to resolve some of the other problems we are facing. They will be trained by that time – there is no need to worry them now.”

The Empress agreed, dismissing the Councilors to their duties and tasks while attending to those which She had put off until now.
The Coming Tide news block is to be finalized.
Once more the Empress sat at her desk, working Her way through the seemingly endless stacks of laws and orders mandated by the Council. She completed another stack recently delivered by Her servant, picking up the file and moving it to the side. As She did, two dispatches revealed themselves, having been rescued from underneath the mountain of paperwork.

She reached for the first, seeing the official seal of the Deputy of the Enchanter’s Guild. Having removed and read its contents, She grew thoughtful, pondering the results of the letter.

Indeed it was from the Second in Command of the Enchanter’s Guild informing the Empress that Lady Quetlisse and Councilman Arabat had spoken to him. He mentioned something of the Elf councilor’s loveliness and exquisite manner with words, and the terrifying nature of the Demon as well. More importantly the Deputy went on to explain that the Enchanter’s Guild had convened, and that they would not be creating the aforementioned embargo on their goods and services and enchanting would continue as before. As a final note, he mentioned that despite this, the Guild would be forced to raise the costs of their services in order to compensate their losses.

The Empress expected nothing less, but was thankful that at least the Guild had changed its original decision. She took up the second dispatch, seeing that its sender was no other than the Chairman of the Labor Guild.

The Empress closed Her eyes, tilting Her head upward in a relaxing posture. She mouthed the words, “Twin Gods be praised!” considering the import of the dispatch. The Chairman clarified that the recent rebellions caused by the Labor Guild members were quite exaggerated. Furthermore, he explained that the unruliness and talks of rebellion were caused moreso after criminal activity increased against caravans traveling between facilities. The laborers simply had had enough, or close to it, he corrected. Finally, the Chairman noted the outrage Councilor Arabat felt by these vandals and criminals, even to the point that a jet of fiery steam erupted from his nostrils setting a few parchments ablaze. When the fire was put out, Lady Quetlisse assured him, in a way only she was able, that the Court would take the necessary measures to make the roads secure once more.

The Empress reflected on the results for a few minutes longer, joyful and confident that the Empire would begin to pull itself back together. As She returned to Her work She thought to Herself how effective the Elf and Demon Councilors had been together, even exclaiming aloud, “Quite the persuasive duo those two...” She pictured the soft hearted Quetlisse sitting next to the brutish Arabat and let out a light laugh.

With her spirits renewed, She rolled out the next parchment, dipping Her quill into the black liquid which would declare another law official by Her word. Signing Her name, She thrust the first in paper in the stack to the side with a wide grin; She knew in short time the last of the reformation papers would be completed.

- Skunder the Chronicler
TL;DR Version.

Events: The Empress uses the nexus-stone to have a conversation with the overseas owners of mithril, as advised by ex-Warlord Bilir. The Archmage whose soul element the stone contains, informs Her of a recent war with an aggressive tribe of stumpy bearded folk, which, defeated, fled towards Her own Empire. She deduces that it has happened a while ago, and that the folk could already be in the adjacent lands.
The Empress manages to get a promise of Archmage Sorish to try his best to procure Mithril and some even more powerful artifacts.

Meanwhile, the recent announcements provoked massive riots, uprisings and conspiracies in the Empire. Her Majesty commands Her Councilmen to split up three main missions:
-Lead negotiations with the Free guilds in order to pacify both them and the conspiring masses;
-Organize a training event for the new Warlords to practice;
-Construct a powerful Stronghold to secure the borders of the Empire from the possible onslaught.
She also finds it necessary to temporarily conceal information about the possible invasion from the common masses in order to avoid greater unruliness.

The first region She decides to settle a Stronghold on is a virgin unconquered territory of "Seraph's Tears". Though flooded by wildlife, it is in her opinion one of the most probable locations for hostile invasion.

Interesting facts:
Other mention of the nexus-stone:
Dawn of Things to Come
Surmises and Facts

There were a few interesting details about the Dwarves:
Crafts with weapons, presuming their items are usually well enchanted;
Mastery with Holy and Chaos magic, giving an idea about spells they use;
Knowledge of Rune Magic, implying their unique racial ability;
Commanding creatures of Solid fire, referring to tier seven Lava Dragons.

Bilir seems so confident about "a Lord friend of his friend the Senior Architect" he is actually given the task with the Stronghold alone. Let's hope he knows what (and whom) he is talking about.


1) First Text quest introduced. You have a chance to take part in the events described in official announcements personally. Quests are presented as text-based descriptions of events with a range of objects, actions and characters to interact with.
When completing a quest, you will be earning points, up to 100 total. Different ways of completing the quest leads to obtaining different score. The first time you succeed, you will be awarded based on how you have scored. Successful quest completion will also unlock access to further text quests.

The first Text quest is called "The Outpost: Seraph Stronghold". It is available at the Inn in East Bay.

The quest is available to all players, the maximum reward is 1,000 gold.
There is a discussion thread for helping with problems in the quest. An F.A.Q. is also available. Please note that posting or trading quest walktroughs is forbidden, and all discussion must occur within the predesignated thread.
We recommend you to read the quest text during its completion with uttermost attention.

2) All other mentioned updates will come in one block with updates from "Imperial Reformation". They will be explained in TL;DR version there.
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