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AuthorThe coming tide
for Takesister:

Ive missed some others
The Upgraded Cavalry have lay on hands
The Upgraded Angel have Ressurection
The Upgraded Devil have Summon Cave Demon

And many others, I was only stating the obvious Casters
And demons does not have flyers
devils can teleport
devils can teleport
IS not the same..can't unse MH ring of flight
^^ Gating is a flying ability from hell :p
just nice story ^_^
Where do you think map will be expanded? South of Yellow lake? Or perhaps battles will take place in Mitsy Coast itself?
i guess it's a dwarf faction i read it somewhere but i just can't recall it
^^@107: An island below Ridge of Hope, maybe.

Mitsy Coast
^^ Cant spot it, must be a tiny spot behind Misty Coast.
I think the map expansion will be on North-East in the hills between Silent hills and Ridge of hope. Then all the players will move out from YL and MG area. I think it would be good because then travelers will be more and thief will have chance to ambush ;)
I think the expansion will be in all directions, except maybe in the South
Well in the North west,(Above Blooming Glade) there is a little village there next to the sea, so that might be an area :)
Yeah, but the whole storyline involves Dwarves coming from the sea, and the sea is at southeast... Will we let their army encroach north of Silent Hill before battling them??
we hide at great capital because its great capital i will hide at silent hill if we had great arts we could fight them but with the strengh of the new arts only rich people could offord it not the poor they do not have enough money to buy.................
I see there are many places on the map that seems "ready" for map expansion:
- Mountains at NE
- Stone Arch at NW
- Village on a Lake at W
- Bogs at SW
- Island at SE
Mountains at NE
There even was a contest for naming that area, a looong time ago.
I find it funny that there was a complaint about Elves being underpowered as their troops die quickly. Wouldn't you think that they are overpowered if they are the 1st target. You never here someone says DEs are underpowered because Shrews are always target number 1.
You never here someone says DEs are underpowered because Shrews are always target number 1.

The only difference you seem to overlook is that because of their ini shrews still have an opportunity to take down some key enemy units before perishing.
for Arctic (#94):

So you two think that whoever doesn't have a Lightning is not a caster?
Have you ever seen what Mass Chastise spell can do? Mass poison with proper talents and spell power?

Mass Chastise at Expert Holly Magic:

...and I've seen Mass Poison as well (actually, felt it on my troop), but I cannot find that combat now.

I understand you want to introduce the Magic component in this game, but then give Elf more hit points to resist in a longer run. DE as magic has hydras and minotaurs which can resist more than unicorns and druids. Mass Chastise, Mass Rapid, Mass Bless, Mass Stoneskin are very nice, it's true, but you need to resist enough to cast them.
you have trees with defence and unicorns with rezistance
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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