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AuthorThe coming tide
you have trees with defence and unicorns with rezistance

trees only at level 11, unicorns hp = 57 vs hydras hp = 80. :D
You are above all drifting awfully close to off-topic, bringing a faction balance discussion in a thread called "The Coming Tide" and used to discuss forthcoming War event.

Please stick to topic people. If you want to speak about something else, just create another thread.
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-11-03 12:54:59 // ...Or banning will ensue.]

as of a result, our citizens will have the most advanced troops seen to date as well as more balanced armies to command
I guess this quote from the "imperial reformation" news means we will get the armies rebalancing they already have on .ru

An exemple of a .ru lvl 11 elf armie :
- 57 efk
- 29 gmb
- 7 druids
- 10 unicorns
- 5 treefolks.

An exemple of a .com lvl 11 elf armie :
- 53 efk
- 27 gmb
- 7 druids
- 8 unicorns
- 3 treefolks.

More than 500 extra hp.
You are above all drifting awfully close to off-topic, bringing a faction balance discussion in a thread called "The Coming Tide" and used to discuss forthcoming War event.

Faction balancing has a lot to do with the War event. How do you expect to discuss a War event without all the factions to be included equally in that War? If Elf will remain the same for the War event as it is now, the only chance for it to go to war will be only as support character for the rest, but even then without too much value due to being killed before casting too many "Mass". It is a subject very much related to the War event. Or, maybe, in your definition about what one should write in such a thread is something like "i love war event, bring it in" or "way to go, admins, we are happy to receive such news" because "i hate war event" and staff like that is considered whining (so, not allowed) and faction balancing (for giving equal chance to all to enjoy this war event) is off-topic? Please, reconsider your warning.
I think "Nexus stone" means that the halloween, and the "war" was halloween war
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // Sorry but you're both off-topic/close to it really]
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-11-04 15:40:23 // Yessir!]
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // off-topic.]
Okay CGSMCMLXXV, warnings over. If you want to continue this conversation - with this tone or not - switch to PM.
I think "Nexus stone" means that the halloween, and the "war" was halloween war

I hope we'll get more war soon that just this Halloween event. ^_^

Now, is there any special, hidden meaning in the Nexus stone, I wonder...
Warning, the dwarf is at war, I was just waiting for this :D
powerful stronghold on the border?
a last defense against the dwarves..To War!!
Maybe we get an event to build the stronghold before the war starts.
yes,another tournament
stronghold means ???
construction of new building for better artifacts to fight against Dwraf
for pavan73:
The stronghold here seems to be more like a Castle wall to guard against the attacks of the dwarves

But for the current moment. A tournament of War Clans...
can we except increment in map size .. to build castle wall
reply to pavan73: it has high possibility of map increase

well i've been waiting for dwarf for so long and i like to KILL
i will also join the war against you and my respected players..
can we except increment in map size .. to build castle wall

if i remember right:

a long time ago - a year maybe or even more - there was a thread created by arctic where he asked a name for the waterfall area on the north-east, implying that it would become part of the map one day.

maybe, just maybe...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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