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AuthorBring back halves and thirds in hunts
+1 suggested the same sugeestion months ago but was rejected
Well if they want more PvP battles, they need to give some reward for doing so

The 'reward' is that they don't get harder everytime you win them.

PvP is too long (I have time to play 2 hours battle, but then Ill miss enroll :P)
PvP is too easy to modify (No AP rules make it too easy for people to 'cheat' it)
PvP is too unpredictable (Afkers kill your battle)

These drawbacks mainly apply to group battles, but not to duels.

Of course PvE is more convenient than PvP, but then again giving out artefacts for free would also be more convenient. It's not the point of an online game that everyone just plays for himself.
I really think (and suggested many times) that there should be "prizes" for duels and PvP ... this is the only way to have more of them, to get players involved more into this (not to mention clans!)... and I know people will say that this way there will be more cheating from multis ... but the fact is, not doing something for fear of multis is wrong ... punish multis is right ... and improve values of PvP is also good!
Sure, you may discuss prizes for PvP, but create a new topic or use an existing topic for it.
For many people PvP will just take too long, while PvE only takes ~15 minutes max for a combat. So they want to PvE only, but thats not possible, and thats why I made this topic.

With the current PvE thats left, one mistake and you lost.
If luck falls at the wrong moment, you lost, if the enemy gets morale, you lost.
If you dont have a smart placed rock in front of your archers, you lost.

Ive done 2802 combats in total now. In the latest updates they only increase the exp for all battles (especially ambushes) so future players, wont have that problem, or receive it later. But we didnt receive any bonus exp for battles we did in the past.....(which is a good thing)

Compare those 2802 battles with your own, there are ~10 people at level 11 (ELEVEN) that have done less combats/victories than me.
So are the admins punishing the people that dont like PvP and take their time to level up ? =(
So are the admins punishing the people that dont like PvP and take their time to level up ? =(

I don't think they mean to punish PvE, they rather want to encourage at least some PvP.
for fusei:

Does encouraging PvP necessarly means discouraging PvE ?
mmm, you don't assume that 14 is the maximum level achievable ever don't you?
admin have plans. i would assume there will be minimum level 18 until tier 7 upgrade (considering the 2 level difference between each tier upgrade). not counting the dwarf and steppe barbarian creature, sea creature, animal (the tunnel event) and elemental hunt.

we just don't know when will admin implement that here (or even at ru) :p

wow, i sound so positive there O_o
Aha good ol' halves and thirds.
You have all my support~
5 battles, 0 victorys. For the first time I see the workaholic penalty.
Ill just keep bumping this topic until admins bring them back. No matter how long it takes.
+1 to idea

Some unwanted updates we've got:
- nobody asked to remove 1/3 and 2/3 rule for hunts.
- nobody asked to give combat experience when you join hunts.
- nobody asked to give combat experience when you lose hunts.
- nobody asked for AP rule.
- nobody asked for workaholic rule.

And some updated we didn't get:
- we did asked for Training room:
- we did asked for hunt assists without xp:
- we did asked for possibility to get FSP without Xp (with a LIMIT in a given combat level):
(read 25th post)
Some unwanted updates we've got:

You know Robai, players like you are responsible for most of these rules. :-(

- nobody asked to remove 1/3 and 2/3 rule for hunts.
- nobody asked to give combat experience when you join hunts.
- nobody asked to give combat experience when you lose hunts.
- nobody asked for AP rule.
- nobody asked for workaholic rule.

These updates you mention dont damage everyone`s gameplay, only the minority of players.

But the fact that hunts are dead and impossible at high levels and there is no way to reach older player`s hunter`s guild level is in my opinion hurting each and every player.:-(
But the fact that hunts are dead and impossible at high levels and there is no way to reach older player`s hunter`s guild level is in my opinion hurting each and every player.:-(

The only good system in this game imo is the thieving system.
Win increases size, lose decreases. So that's a self-consistent system.
And some events inherit this good system.
But for hunting, 1st it uses a exponential increasing formula which I think
is very bad; 2nd there are not enough reward for doing hunting esp at high
lvl, a long boring and losing fight gives no more than 0.5 ( or 0.25 for sharing) fsp. So is the MG but there are more kind of quest to do and the
rewards are much better.

I think a better idea for hunting is to inherit the thieving system.
For higher HG lvl ( say lvl 6 HG), each lose could reduce the hunting size
by a certain %. While it may break the existing data structure.
So 1/3 and 2/3 is the better way to solve the problem and I suggest that
for higher HG lvl or more challenging hunting, there are greater chance to
get 1/3 and 2/3 size of mobs.
You know Robai, players like you are responsible for most of these rules. :-(

Does my playing style hurt someone?

1) I'm one of the best enchanters
2) also I'm an average smith
3) and I'm one of the great losers in roulette :)
4) and I did many fights (Victories: 1826, Defeats: 308)
5) and I'm not bad Gambler (Gamblers' guild: 12 (826) +174)

So, tell me, how I was the reason of those bad updates?

So, tell me, how I was the reason of those bad updates?

Because there are apparently players like you, who dont play the game the way it was intended by administration. Therefore, they introduced the exp rules to stop fsp farmers, therefore they introduced the workaholic penalty to stop players who just collect gold.

The fact is that we cannot know all their reasons and intentions, but you cannot deny your part in this. Did you notice that any way you play becomes technically impossible in time? There are not so many players who decided to play this way and for some reason, admins dont like this. Personally I dont care, but it seems someone powerful doesnt like you or your way of playing. :-)

We are slightly off-topic, if you want, we can continue in pm.
We are slightly off-topic, if you want, we can continue in pm.
continue here, I like free bumps. This topic is important and need to stay on top....
+1 Love the idea :)
to Robai:

- nobody asked to give combat experience when you join hunts (I LOVE this rule)
- nobody asked to give combat experience when you lose hunts. (I love this rule)
- nobody asked for AP rule. (reasonable rule)
- nobody asked for workaholic rule. (Very good rule - this is not a sims, if you want to play a Sims then go somewhere else)

So do not say Nobody - this is ONLY your point of view!
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