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New LWM clan?

AuthorNew LWM clan?
What do you think it's going to be for?
Juries help Arctic and other admins do accounting work in the CAA forum.
seams like a clan for the juries, the guys checking cheating on this server.

Gratz guys! finaly you get a own clan!
it is for new year juries
And maybe they will get some power after all..
that great.... theres a lot player reported for cheating.... but some of them still free.... i hope juries can settle it....
they are already at work for about nine weeks now... doing an awesome job.

the great cleansing takes time - there's a lot, i mean a LOT! to do...
Do me a favor: Don't call it officialy the great cleansingin your chronics.
hmm maybe to try people that dont plead guilty for cheating
the great cleansing is a perfect name for it.

The appearance of this new clan is just another step towards removing cheats from our server and hopefully the current cheats are living in fear and anyone thinking of starting cheating will think twice.

We will catch you and you will be punished.
"The great cleansing" brings associations like "ethnic cleansing" to me, but maybe it's just me, a non native speaker.
And what about unfairly blocked persons?
Where the fine could take place, they just get blocked without any warning! For that bloody estates participation :(
Didn't arctic put a post for people who wanted to help LWM, i think this is why they created it.. i tried finding it but I forgot the name of the topic
for filowarrior:
Yes, that was a few months ago. Arctic posted a help wanted topic that asked players to apply. The applicants were supposed to help Arctic by combing through the reports and logs to add up the total amount of illegal transfers.
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
What do you think it's going to be for?

^_^,,, maybe ... who knows ...
And what about unfairly blocked persons?
Where the fine could take place, they just get blocked without any warning!

These people should send a message to secretary concerning their case. If they didnt break any rule than nice for them, their penalty will be lifted. If they did break rules, than sorry, but thats just the risk you take when you decide to ignore the book of the rules.

Juries help Arctic and other admins do accounting work in the CAA forum.

^^ Pantheon already said what it is for.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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