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AuthorAFK punishments
i think afk in battle can loose experience
i agree
me two. they waste our time.
yes you all think about more punishments


These to link also give u support
gosh, man, if u will give an opportunity to people to actually lose experience, every second battle will end in afk, because in hi levels experience is a huge drawback compared to the faction points
U dont want? Then u may battle with afk who waste time for u.. :D

Good Luck and hope u get low exp
u should say decrease their faction point but NOT TO decrease exp
+1 to faction points indeed. seriously this -2 luck penalty is sensless since many players who go afk do this for more than 2 hours. i better say implement 2 hours of ACTIVE gaming instead, not just the time since the last flushed battle
Yes, give me negative experience and I will join many battles and ALWAYS be AFK! :)
+1000 to faction points!!! Is a good solution!
Problem is that sometimes GOOD players "afk" because their internet connection dies (it has happened to me) or power failures, etc.

So you cannot impose such harsh universal punishments for things outside of a person's control.

Just my two cents.

However, if somoene AFKs on purpose (ie they say "Screw you, I'm leaving you to die") then you can report them in Justice forums, under the battle violations section. They will be punished :)

i guess just implement a certain amount of battles you can flush per level, actually before you get your faction points down. say 3 for each level 1 to 8 and 5 for senior levels. after you have used these marks, you lose your factio points, more u flush - more u lose
depend what type of 'afk' is ...if battle begin and he do not move..then punish it..for those 'connection die'...because bad 'afker' more than good 'afker'...i think this system should implemented
About the whole "what if their connection dies" or "if the power cuts out", there's a simple answer to that: you either live with the punishment or just go play something that doesn't require an internet connection or a PC altogether. This is a community of people who play an ONLINE GAME. It should be clear from the title that you need 2 things: an internet connection and a PC. It should be clear that it is YOUR responsibility to make sure you have these in order to play.

Besides, you're only viewing this from the perspective of someone who wants to keep the option of AFK'ing open, so he can do it and not lose too much. I agree to any matter of non-permanent punishment for ALL kinds of AFK'ing (that includes, but is not limited to: connection issues, power outage and downright callousness), because first of all I think about those that have to suffer from the consequences. I don't expect everyone to share my view, but whenever my connection fails (which is quite rare, but still...) or something happens on my side, I feel as guilty as if it were my fault and I'm perfectly ready to accept that, in the end, it actually is - whether it's because of my choice of internet supplier or my being cheap / poor enough to not afford a better one and so on.

So before you go start defending the "poor helpless players" remember that even though it may not be their fault, the ones that were trying to help them got screwed a lot more then whatever punishment the "innocent" AFK'ers are getting.
i have proposed the self-ruling units for 3vs3 pvp battles over 6 months ago, when the player becomes computer-controlled, and doesn't fall dead, though still gets the fine and doesn't get any points, but the side which he was on still has a chance

but the things will keep on as they are, no sense to whine helplessly...

at least once a day we get a topic about AFK and their punishments

almost funny =)
this will never change u dont like go find another game
i agree with no. 13, but my view is if u r not sure about ur connection just dont join in group battles, if u r confident about ur support then go for it but dont luk back ( i mean no afks r permitted once u make up ur mind to help a player )
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