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AuthorI think my Element drop rate is busted
I hear they increased the drop rate for everyone, and I hear about how so many folks are getting them like easter eggs on a Sunday.

I decided to start keeping track of my drop rate since the update and have found this:

11 completed missions, with ZERO elements dropped.

Is mine still broken? -_-
now 12 missions with zero elements.
Oh are we suppose to get Elements ? If yours is broke mine doesn't exist any more
I dont think it is broken. I just seem to be getting all your elements now :D
it's all odds, your suppposed to get 1 element every 5 quests. But a coin can be heads 50 times in a row.
I think it is more than 1 element every 5 quests...when you reach the double element stage, but I could be wrong. I'll keep logs of my battles, if this keeps up, there really is something wrong.

I remember reading another thread where a player mentioned he had done like 30+ battles without an element, and an admin looked into it and fixed it. Rather not do that many battles without an element...before being taken seriously ^^
I remember reading another thread where a player mentioned he had done like 30+ battles without an element, and an admin looked into it and fixed it.

Are you sure about it? Was it the thread about ridge of hope and dragons, which was fixed? Because I dont remember admin specifically speaking about fixing element rates of any particular player. If it was fixed, it was fixed for all. Anyway, fixing one person`s chance of getting some reward, does it sound a little weird to you?
It was this thread:


A lot of stuff can happen when updating...I have seen other games were certain player IDs (for whatever reason) were glitchy for some updates, etc. It could be a similar situation here :)
as the first 2 are based on chance, then I would presume he was talking about the drags, but I've still not seen drags at RoH after either (but haven't really looked)

to me it seems that my rate of elements HAS increased since the update, however it is still *much* lower than one element every 5 merc quests, more like one every 10-15 I think
i have done 82 MG quests and won only 6 elements.....
Everything looks fine to me - I got 5 moonstones last week.
I get Element like every 2 Quest.
Before 10 days, I solved 100 MG quests with only 8 rewards.
By coincidence, I got 8 rewards in less than 30 quests just after admin said he "fixed" something.
(I think he meant RoH Dragons. Does anyone encounter dragon again?)
Odd thing was they kept giving me elements for the start.
Stopped till I leveled my merc guild.
7 merc quests with no elements :'(
in my oponion, the game is not building up more fun for anyone if the "element-drop-rate" is so low that the price on enchants rise even MORE...

admins, you might take a look at this "bug" in the game, and adjust it down to every 5th win, as it was...

again, in my oponion..
admins, you might take a look at this "bug" in the game, and adjust it down to every 5th win, as it was...

It was never like that, it's ALWAYS been random like it is now
85 MGs done and only 6 elements.
that does not sound like the random drop rate as we had before...
That is pretty bad...6 drops out of 85 mercs...very low. Even lower than my 0/12
Now 0/13
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