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AuthorRestrictions for additional characters
I would like to see some restrictions for additional characters.

1. Checkbox at registration "This is an additional character", this information could be also shown in character's profile.

2. Additional characters are not allowed at tournaments. I don't want to be beaten by some lvl 13 player's additional character. I don't see the sense in letting them participate. One player with one character is enough.

3. No enrollment in production facilities. I have seen several times valuable production spots filled by dozends of additional characters.

4. Maybe a maximum level for additional characters.

With a checkbox at registration all this and more points (buying thief arts etc.) could be avoided by program.

Why all that?

Additional characters are for familiarizing with other factions, not stealing profits from primary characters. I've seen several pumped up multis with months of enrolling and therefore can easily beat other player's primaries. And imagine one player wins tournament 3 times.

This doesn't go well with the intended sense of multis.
point 1 : if they register in different places..how could you know which one is additional char?

point 2 : well you could just dont enter tournament..you could choose some tournament like we are having now

for your point 3:if the additional character dont have gold to buy some art they would have excuse to transfer item from their main account...obviously he would not playing an additional character that without any art?

point 4:for your info those ppl who created additional char its just for fun..they dont lvl it so much..so whats the point of making a maximum lvl for additional char?
1. They hopefully would get caught later for unsigned multis.

2. Sorry, I don't understand.

3. With this argumentation you could erase all rules about multis.

4. I wrote "Maybe". Not so important to me as other 3 points.
2. just participate the tournament that we having now..this type of tournament just vs monster but not player..

3.i forgot 1 thing too..multi also have AP rule..if no art how they play?
just create a few demobattles like .ru got and forbid any multis
1 character a person, thats it, no multis at all.
2. just participate the tournament that we having now..this type of tournament just vs monster but not player..

Now I get it. Some of first places in this tournament could be won by multis, too. No difference here.

3.i forgot 1 thing too..multi also have AP rule..if no art how they play?

I think you misunderstand, I don't speak of wearing arts, I speak of enrolling at production facilities.
i like haing multies, saving up money and getting my laboreers guild level up with different factions is fun and adds more spice to the game.

I do like the checkbox idea, but mults should be able to enroll and enter tournaments (there could be rules that they can not win main prize or some such, but ther than that...)
I do like the checkbox idea, but mults should be able to enroll and enter tournaments (there could be rules that they can not win main prize or some such, but ther than that...)

I am aware that players with multis don't like my ideas.

Let me put up an example: I create another wizard now, let him enroll a lot and play until level 3. Then there is another survival tournament.

Who do you think has better chances in the tournament, a lvl 3 newbie who is in game since a week or me with the experience of a level 9 witch?
me with the experience of a level 9 witch?

as much as your fanclub&I like you, you have still much to learn....
but idea is really good...
I didn't want to bragg, just take a level 14 wizard instead of me ;)
Do you actually think most people will check the box " this is an additional character " ? roflol
Do you actually think most people will check the box " this is an additional character " ?

Do you actually think most people sign their multis in profile?
Queen_Amanda, I think you will have your logs and IP scrutinised quite closely after such a comment. When they find your undisclosed multis you may be banned. I'd post to the admins revealing all your undisclosed mults and hope for mercy.

Most multis would declare themselves I would think. Those who don't are breaking the rules and will hopefully get caught and punished.
I support Nr.1 and 3, the rest.. err I'll pass.
2. An add has the right to earn exp like the rest..
4. Why is that? It only gets harder and more frustrating for a player with 2 high level accounts.
Nope that is why that part of your suggestion was so funny
for Barbarian-Fishy:
Queen_Amanda, I think you will have your logs and IP scrutinised quite closely after such a comment. When they find your undisclosed multis you may be banned. I'd post to the admins revealing all your undisclosed mults and hope for mercy

good luck pal All my alts are disclosed. Speaking of which I need to check yours
do you even think before you speak?No gold = No art No art = cannot follow AP rules No AP rules = account freezed

how they play then?

and also do you think that i have multis?is not me dont like your idea but your idea so pointless that no people could answer you
for moro88:
and for other that are against just because of gold.

I think you guys dont understand what she is trying to say.

3. No enrollment in production facilities. I have seen several times valuable production spots filled by dozends of additional characters.

3. No enrollment in production facilities.

Do I need to quote more ? PRODUCTION FACILITIES, not all of them.

They still can enroll in mining facilities.
I support 1, and 3 :)

Multis are there, as you said, to experience factions. In order to experience factions to their fullest, I would want to enter the tournament using whatever faction my multi is, to experience it better :)

do you even think before you speak?No gold = No art No art = cannot follow AP rules No AP rules = account freezed
for moro88:
Perhaps you need to read, before you think, before you speak. -.-
No need for the unfriendly tone, moro, I'm not against multis enrolling in mining or machining facilities.
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