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AuthorWhat is the top 3 best games you ever played?
Gothic and Gothic II

omg - i almost forgot them!!! excelent RPGs! (exept the third one, although it was ok...)
exept the third one

yeah the third one sucked ^^
1) Heroes of Might and Magic
2) Fable: Lost chapters
3) Planescape: Torment
1 plants vs zombies (laaaa just awesome hihi) ^^
2 folklore (I love fearies and fantasy ;D
3 guild wars ( nice story line)
1. Manic miner
2. Chuckie Egg
3. Bomber Man
4. Galaxians
1. Baldurs Gate series (Best computer rpg ever)
2. Gothic 1 and 2 (yes, the 3rd one was crap)
3. The Witcher
Age of Empires 2
1.)Kingdom Hearts II
2.)StarCraft: Brood War
3.)ANY Ratchet and Clank Game (I have yet to play one that i don't like)
My bad in first post...

So here it is:

1) Counter-Strike Condition Zero
2) Lordswm
3) Digital Devil Saga [PS2]
1) Spin the bottle
2) Tag
3) Rock, paper, scissors Extreme
1) Digimon (LOL xD)
2) Red Alert 1,2
3) Bully [PS2]
3) Planescape: Torment

forgot that ... amazing game!!!! especiaslly considering the time it was made ... a MUST!!!
we got alot good games, why should we limit on three? ;p
Hard to choose
Resident Evil 4 - NFS Pro Street - Assassin's Creed II - Counter Strike
And Bully - GTA 4 - LordsWM
why should we limit on three? ;p
gold, silver and bronze medal type'a thing =} however, since summations are not forbidden:

1) everything have been ever come out from Black Isle Studios (BG series, Icewind Dale series, Neverwinter Nights series...)
2) Might & Magic (VI, VII, VIII only)
3) Morrowind - The Elder Scrolls III
1. Lordswm
2. Empire craft http://in.ec.hithere.com/r.html?tg=384974
3. diablo II
gold, silver and bronze medal type'a thing =} however, since summations are not forbidden:

so, is that mean different game type like strategy game, 1st person shooting, RPG, action, simulator, sports and many more should have same position? LOL

i m sure player have different aspects on rate them, such as: it is all about balance in strategy game; story line on RPG game; reality on simulator and so on.

is that mean you should rate a strategy game with how good is the story line? ;p
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