Author | Theiving help |
I know caravans get stronger as you level up and as you win more..... I'm not sure how I should proceed.
I've recently leveled up to level 12, and I was theiving as level 11 DE, and now as level 12, I can still win caravans just as often. Is this good or bad? Should I play with min AP to reduce the strength of the caravans?
Which is the best way to thieve? |
caravans become ~20% stronger when you level up.
There are 7 factions
Each faction has ~7 different caravans
Each time you lose they get ~3% weaker
So.... if you lose ~350 times all caravans will have the same strenght as before you leveled up.
(If the "caravan-floor" is below the old caravan strength)
I dont know if you want to continue as a dark elf, but a good move would be to switch faction.
Youre losing over and over and over and over to get some fsp and reduce their strength with min arts. |
It depends on what your goal is for thieving. If it's getting TG points or exp, fight with arts so you have a better chance against player opponents. If it's for gold or FSP, it's probably better to keep the caravans small by fighting in min AP. |
There are 7 factions
Each faction has ~7 different caravans
Wrong. There are 40 different caravan types.
caravans become ~20% stronger when you level up.
Source of this info? |
Official information confirmed by Arctic:
Each win = 7% stronger
Each lose = 5% weaker
caravans become ~20% stronger when you level up. |
40 different caravans.
20% stronger
5% weaker:
120*0,95^3.5 = ~100
3.5 * 40 = 140
So you need around 140 losses to compensate the increase in strenght the caravans received. |
I've also noticed that level 12 DE have a much easier time against caravans compared to previous DE levels and other factions.
I think too many players are too focused on the losing to make caravans easier strategy. Doing TG is really about how much gold you have. If you can afford better arts, then use them. If you can't, then use min arts. In the end difficulty will be balanced out and those who fought with better arts would have gained that many more TG points. |
Well, I was a bit dissapointed at not being able to make caravans unwinnable before reaching level 12... level 12 is much stronger. The lizard assailants are a great upgrade, and the talent points really help DEs at level 12. Of course, level 12 is just that much stronger from the citadel. So much it seems caravans are still winnable.
You think so? marked_one uses the same set for thief i do... and look at the set vidlak666 uses. It's full arts plus 2 fully enchants weapons. Look at their caravan difficulties. Then look at the thief guild points... seems marked_one is doing much better. |
for Xerfer:
That's only because marked_one did that many more combats than vidlak666 did. If you are going to compare the results of 2 different strategies, you have to compare similar situations. If vidlak666 played like marked_one, he should have reached TG9 a long time ago. Not only is vidlak666's win rate higher, but higher win rate enables more ambushes. |
Whatever your time allows is how you should proceed (and the gold you have on hand of course).
When I want to raise my TG level, I wear full arts because my playing time is sporadic and limited. Knowing that later on, I can lose them with weaker arts, or with a new faction, etc.
So just do what you think works for you :) |