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AuthorLaborers' guild 8 :)
Finally got the last defense bonus :)

Laborers' guild: 8 (8000) +4000

Next year should be level 9 :)
LoL, gratz :)

gratz !!

I bet you only enrolled for that last defense bonus :)
wow :S nice
Congratulations! That's really impressive.
I can see in your transfer log that you registered on 2008-02-06. This means that you enrolled nearly 11 times every day for the last 728 days.

A lucky man that can enroll from work :O)

For this level it would take me about 8 years ;)
wohoo! now that's a commitment! gratz, man :}

for Lady_Flatulenz:
he enrolls even from his sleep ;}}
Thank you :)

I bet you only enrolled for that
Nope, I did 1-2 fights every day (workaholic rule forced me to do that - I'm not that stupid to waste MY gold :) ).

he enrolls even from his sleep
Hehe :)
Actually, I don't turn off my computer and I do enroll if I wake up.
At work I only sometimes enroll if I manage to hide so that nobody sees what I do :)
You beat me to it! Congrats Robai!
wow, great achievment. Grats!
congrats to the labor guild achievements,
in addition to your achievements in
Hunter guild and records
Gambler's guild
Enchanter's guild

impressive overall stats:)
first of all ... gratz

then ... how can you play so boringly for 2 years??? really ... it is amazing to me ...
He likes PvE/M records thats how
^^ Wow, what a great commitment. Congratulations!
Even roulette can't stop you :)

>>> And gratz to Kotrin too, soon ;)
for Robai:
Nope, I did 1-2 fights every day (workaholic rule forced me to do that - I'm not that stupid to waste MY gold :) ).
I wish I thought of that. :)
Unfortunately I don't have easy merc guild fights waiting for me so I do hit the work penalty occassionally.

We started playing this game at the same time, but our characters are so different (not just the labor guild).
Congratulations! That's really impressive.
I can see in your transfer log that you registered on 2008-02-06. This means that you enrolled nearly 11 times every day for the last 728 days.

Not correct: 8000 enrols, 611 days = 13 enrols per day;)
wow nice lol!
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