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AuthorTGI scams recently
Yep, zure (TS) and John_Bale, anybody wanna help them too?

i sent some gold to them too.. they seem pretty decent to me so i think they deserve some help.. at times like this, i think we really should help each other out..

https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4358446 zure

https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4709715 john_bale
She has agreed 2 pay me back we will see what happens
If she does pay me back full 300,000 i will pay everyone money back just semd me mail if you want it.. and i dont want her blocked that was a condition of gettin it back
Thanks to all for the generous assistance. I will also make equal donations to zure and john_bale.

With the absence of admins and cheaters running rampant, the least we can do as a community is pull together and help out each other in times of need. Maybe it will help pull us all together as a community.
i will send nobodiez back his gold sorry for disruption sorry to hear that zure and yeah admins are to busy with the russians
People, if you don't want to fall in this scam, just ask "vendors" to send you the TGI with a price tag of 300'000 gold attached (or whatever agreed-upon price). This way, the TGI will be shown and readily available in your inventory but only after you paid for it. And you'll see of course that there's an actual TGI for sale.

Never understood why people send gold in one move then expect a free transfer of some artifact later, when it's so easy to make both transfers at once.
Seriously, I just saw the thread you made. How can you so blatantly post such a thread when it's obvious that you don't have the TGI or arts you said you do? You seriously think you could get away with this without any punishment or ban? ppfff...

And when you received 300k gold from someone to buy a TGI you don't have. what do you do? You immediately go on a spending spree and bought like you just won the lottery!

03-25-10 12:01: Acquired item: "Pendant of despair" [60/60] for 21700 gold from Omega22 as lot #1380451
03-25-10 12:01: Acquired item: "Ring of inspiration" [18/18] 2 pcs. for 9570 gold from china_blue99 as lot #1383980
03-24-10 10:41: Acquired item: "Steel boots" [70/70] for 17719 gold from nnt000 as lot #1380867
03-24-10 10:40: Acquired item: "Dragon shield" [70/70] for 28480 gold from GRRRR as lot #1380812
03-24-10 10:40: Acquired item: "Longbow" [50/50] for 19999 gold from saltena as lot #1380601
03-24-10 10:39: Acquired item: "Steel cuirass" [68/70] for 13470 gold from BlackStones as lot #1380877
03-24-10 10:39: Acquired item: "Steel helmet" [70/70] for 12104 gold from Minette as lot #1381262
03-24-10 10:38: Transferred 1 Gold to nobodiez : what thief invite
03-24-10 03:55: Received 300000 Gold from nobodiez : For thief invite...

And after posting this at 2010-03-26 10:43:59,

i will send nobodiez back his gold sorry for disruption sorry to hear that zure and yeah admins are to busy with the russians

you went and spam scam someone else ! Jeez...

03-26-10 11:09: Transferred 5000 Gold to Artisian : NOW SEND ME THE ARTS
03-26-10 10:59: Transferred 10000 Gold to Artisian : now send arts
03-26-10 10:50: Transferred 3000 Gold to Artisian : send arts and i send other gold

And IF you REALLY know your mistake and wants to make up for it, then you should send every single one of your gold back to nobodiez & Artisian. And if that's not enough, transfer all the new arts you bought to them to make up the balance. NOT 100 gold! What the *** do you think he wanst 100 gold for, after you cheated him of 300,000? Double pppfff...

03-26-10 09:48: Transferred 100 Gold to nobodiez :

Lastly, I'm at work now, can some kind soul write to this Artisian, direct him to the relevant threads, and warn the poor fella...
Opps, me bad. It's the OTHER way round, she took nobodiez gold and went to buy MORE arts from this Artisian. And a few minutes earlier, she wrote here that she's gonna return the gold to nobodiez.

I'm sorry to say this, Warnra, you have no shame. If you are like this and can do this in a virtual game, I really don't wanna know how you are in real life..
03-26-10 11:36: Received 1 Gold from Artisian : What arts ?
03-26-10 11:32: Transferred 80000 Gold to Artisian : NOW SEND ME THE ARTS

Deja Vu..

Nice try, Warnra.
Artisian's Logs -

03-26-10 11:36: Transferred 1 Gold to Warnra : What arts ?
03-26-10 11:35: Received 100000 Gold from narutoayan : Return to Nobodiez
03-26-10 11:34: Transferred 80000 Gold to narutoayan : For thief arts
03-26-10 11:32: Received 80000 Gold from Warnra : NOW SEND ME THE ARTS
03-26-10 11:10: Transferred 20000 Gold to narutoayan : For thief arts
03-26-10 11:09: Received 5000 Gold from Warnra : NOW SEND ME THE ARTS
03-26-10 10:59: Received 10000 Gold from Warnra : now send arts
03-26-10 10:55: Received 5000 Gold from narutoayan : Deal is 15k,send them together if you want the arts
03-26-10 10:52: Transferred 5000 Gold to narutoayan : Commision
03-26-10 10:50: Received 3000 Gold from Warnra : send arts and i send other gold

I give up, I'm outta here. Sad day this is..
03-26-10 11:46: Received 92999 Gold from Artisian : Warnra Scam broken by me

Artisan stole back money from her and sent it 2 me
Yup! And i beg you please dont block me.
I dont think you can get blocked for it
I am only down a lil over 70k thanks 2 all of you
As promised, I have donated 10k to each Zure and John_Bale. Hopefully that will help them get back on their feet as well.

For nobodiez - Should you recoup your stolen money from Warnra, which is unlikely, there is no need to repay me. My donation was a gift. If you are feeling charitable, find some other worthy player who has been harmed and "pay it forward". Best of luck to you in your future here at LWM.
Thank you friend
I dont think you can get blocked for it
If he scammed then yes he can
Nice work Artisan.
Why would he get blocked he just returned some of my stolen money 2 me
03-26-10 12:21: Received 10000 Gold from Slynky : A small gift to help recoup the 100k you lost in a TGI scam
03-26-10 07:50: Received 3000 Gold from -Anansi- : a little donation mate.. i hope this will help.. good luck to you and have a pleasant day..

Thank you very much for your help. You guys made this game environment friendly and promising. I highly appreciate it!
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