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AuthorStat points distribution for level 7 necro
Hi all,
I have just reached level 7 and so have gained 1 stat point.
Where should I put it?
Without arts, I have :-
attack - 4
defense - 1
spell power - 0
knowledge - 5
Thanks in advance.
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
i would say spell power

attack and defense you get easily through arts, so not them. knowledge you already have a lot, and so i would say spell power. (if necessary, you can increase knowledge even more with arts like staff of power)
all to attack
some spell power is required for a necro (unless using dominion of life talent)

and attack is easier and cheaper to get from arts than spell power, so you should get spell power
Thanks for your advice, qulows.
But can an experienced necromancer guide me in this?
Is spell power needed for a necromancer at my level?
Should I increase knowledge to 6 to have more raises or is 5 knowledge sufficient and I should invest in attack or defence?
Please do highlight the role of spell power for a necro (I can take dominion of life)
Sory for double post, but I would be grateful if you could also tell me the talents which I should take?
For example, if I increase sp by 1, then do I need to take dominion of life etc..
for shubhamgoyal:
4 knowledge is enough! the rest is for attack!!
Spell power is useless. Trust me I'm a necro fsp7
Thanks, darmogathel.
All right, I am convinced now that 4 knowledge is enough.
I also think that it is not worthwhile to increase defence as defence can easily be increased through arts.
I have a doubt:
If I decide to be a magic necro (using darkness magic and casting mass spells), then will spell power not be needed?
Is becoming a magic necro a good choice and how much sp should I have for it?
Moreover, for a decent amount of damage, how much attack do I need (is not 4 attack enough)?
Please give me reasons for your choice of stat point as I am really confused.
i cannot understand how spell power could be 'useless'. i suggest someone post this in the necro faction thread and we could see how many necros think it is pointless.

i may not be an experienced necro (you'll find them in the faction topic) but i do have raise dead, and i know that with 0 spell power, you can only raise 4 vampires. a waste of 9 mana. which is why you need spell power. with dominion of life, you get a lot of spell power for raise dead, but it might still be a good idea to take more spell power.

darmogathel looks like a necro who does fast, hard-hitting damage and does not rely on raise dead, whereas you look the exact opposite. if you have a lot of knowledge, you NEED spell power, else your mana becomes quite useless.
If you decide to be a magic necro you should choose spell power because a raise wich restores only 120hp or a darkness spell wich lasts 0.5 turns is nothing at your level.
raise attack... its better
Use on Defend , lower defend might kill you easily if you've got a wrong movement which allows your opponent to hit you with 1 Hard hit.
4 knowledge is enough! the rest is for attack!!
Spell power is useless.
Trust me I'm a necro fsp8

This is exactly right!

Though depending on style sometimes 5 knowledge is better but everything else in attack and nothing in SP.
how can a raise dead spell which only raises 4 vampires be useful????
Because Dominion of life makes it so.
yes, as i said, you dont necessarily need spell power if you have dominion of life.

@13, i just saw the post, defense is not even that important because even if stacks die, there is raise dead. much more important to do more damage early on.

@9, magic necro is not a good choice, necros have no good damaging spells (magic punch is not very useful). so you need attack, and maybe defense. 4 attack is definitely not enough, but this can easily be improved by artifacts.
how can a raise dead spell which only raises 4 vampires be useful???
Raise is mainly for ghost

And also don't be a magic Necro before lvl 8
i say +1knowledge and intellect talent
look at this character 1a2b3c4
and then you will reasilse by watching his combats how knowledge is so important for necros
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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