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AuthorMage Dark Elfs Tips(MDET)
I dont know in which section it should be in so i took creative works

To start with:
MDET includes tips ONLY for MAGE Dark Elfs
Tips from level 1-7
You should learn how to be:
Camper(No need to explain :D)
Rusher(Just go forward and kill everything you see)
Both of them(Both of them)


PvP LvL 1-2

For first you should enroll and hunt as often you can
Just do 5 pvp and 1 group battle
rest exp through hunts
You should have max rogues,rest bandits

When you meet a necro,play camper
Split bandits 1 and 1
Take out skeletons quick
Then destroy zombies retalation by hitting him once with a bandit
then attack with rogues and come back,repeat tills you win.

When you meet a demon,play rusher
If the demon splits imps,kill them with earth spikes.
You should kill the demons quick,repeat as you did at zombies.

When you meet a elf,play BoT(Both of them)
Camp first,take out pixies
Then rush at FKs

When you meet a wizard,play Camper
Kill gremlins fast.
Eliminate gargoyles(should be easy enough)

When you meet knight,play Rusher
If the knight protect his/her bows with farmers
Spike farmers
Kill bows as fast as you can

When you meet Barbarian,play camper
Let him come,take 2 stacks of bandits forward,barb will kill them(Thats a part of the plan,dont worry)
Rogues should camp,have 2 bandits blocking the wolfs
Attack golbins with rogues,they should be dead then
Destroy wolfs retalation,attack with rogues,repeat(If all bandit stacks are eliminated,just attack)

When you meet a Dark Elf,i will explain how you should play.
Do NOT split bandits,if The DE camps,camp too,If he rushes,rush too
It should be more than easy

When you level up to level 3 you should have 10.000+ gold
And choose spell power 1+ and 1+ knowledge(Knowledge at level 2,SP at level 3)
I can also calculate if you can win against somebody.
Only for Dark Elfs

Free for lvl 1-2
250g for lvl 3-4
500g for lvl 5-7

Build the structure that makes minotaurs
Do NOT build warehouse(Not now,i will tell you when,trust me)
MAX minotaurs,Then rogues,if something left recruit bandits

5 group battles
10 PvP
Rest hunts

Now it should be very easy to beat demons,wizards and necromancer
Think about to play like a DE mage

When you meet necros,play BoT(Both of Them)
Also cast spikes on ghosts.
Camps till the ghosts are close to your troops,hit ghosts with minotaurs,then with rogues.When ghosts are dead,stand on the dead ghosts with minotaurs(If more than 8 minotaurs left)Else stand on with rogues.
If rogues stands on ghosts:
Attack zombies,then with rogues(rogues will come back so 1+ for you :D,repeat)
If minotaurs stands:
Let zombies come and attack your minos(Do NOT engage in fight with rogues)
Minos attack zombies,then rogues attack and come back to the SAVE zone.If minos die stand on ghosts with rogues.

When you meet demons,play Camper
Destroy imps with spikes
Eliminate wolfhounds as you killed zombies above
(1+:no ghosts to stand on)
Kill demons the same way.

When you meet wizards,play rusher
If the wizard has many gremlins=Cast spikes
Else:Kill gargoyles first if he rushes
Else:Kill golems first if he camps

When you meet knights,play rusher
Let minotaurs attack swordmans
Let the spikes kill farmers wall
(If exist,else:cast on bows)
Rogues should avoid meeting swordmans(except if only 1-5 swordmans left)
Rogues rush at bowmans,if he tries to kill rogues with swordmans.Kill bowmans with minotaurs.Then meet swordmans.

When you meet barbarians,play rusher
Forward with all the minotaurs and kill the wolfs.
Attack wolfes with rogues while holding SHIFT button(You have both minotaurs and rogues left)
Try to sneak around with rogues,around the fight between minotaurs and the wolfes.
Eliminate orcs(if you fail,you should have minotaurs left)
The second way is also more epic,if you win.

When you meet Elfs,play rusher
Minotaurs at Forest Keepers(FKs)
Rogues to EBs(Elven Bowmans)
Both attack FKs
Then kill EBs

When you meet Dark Elfs,play as he/she plays
If he/she plays Rusher,play rusher too
If he/she plays Camper,play camper too

Trust me,i know what i say

When you are level 4,you should have 25.000+ gold
Upgrade Spell Power(SP)
Say what you think
Dude...wrong forum spot. This should be under queries and help, as this is help for the DE mages. You aren't gonna get any comments here, except for what I'm saying XD. You should try moving it.
Great! :)

You can further divide it from level 5 as Might DE and Magic DE.
Good work, but remember that there are lot of different strategies. Some people prefer having max. rogues in lv3-4. Also a mentioning about stat-points would be welcome :)
Remember people have different strategies and ways of winning, as well as ways of progressing through the early stages of gameplay. Great guide though!

Some people prefer having max. rogues in lv3-4
If I was a Dark Elf, I'd rather have max rogues. Minotaurs aren't too reliable in my opinion.

During level 5, many people go with the Magic build of DE because there isn't a good ranged shooter. But Might build does work well with 3+ morale.

Just my opinion, though. :)
I already know =D
for post 9 and 10:
Take rogues if you rush
Take minotaurs if you want to win duels or GB(Group Battles)
Cause when somebody has rogues,all attack it first,making you loose troops
Rogues=high intiative,high speed,good dmg,enough hp(what else would you want?)
you can also kill many troops with rogues before they get killed by shooters or magic

If you take minotaurs,others dont take it as danger,causing you to eliminate the weaker troops at the beginning,at the end you will meet a tank like a big swordman stack(10-20) or a demons stack(15-30)
if its happens over lvl 5,you have some mana left
cast magic arrow(be ready to have good spell power
You can win group battles that way as dark elf.

Also i want some comments from MAGE DARK ELFs too.
Some comments from Magic Dark Elfs,thank you
No matter what your faction is, for levels 1-3 you should do only hunts to make your character stronger :P
IMO, magic DE's are best maxing out with minos & liz - the longer the game lasts (ie playing defensively) the more chance you have of your spells having maximum impact.

Up to level 6, I used only 5 rogues, split into 1's where they can block cavalry & aid allies, with my liz engaged in melee asap and my minos sitting back. This meant I could use my spells to full advantage, as minos are always ignored by spellcasters & archers. Before the update, this also allowed you to succeed in hunts & quests where your lone rogues were targetted whilst your power stacks closed in.

You also have access to a very effective talent option at L6 - meaning your char gets to cast more often and spells are at -20% mana - go take a look.

I'm new to L7, but a change of tactics seems called for as you can almost double your troops with fort & talents - so a stack of 30 Rogues plus a good stack of minos & max lizards are now possible. This allows for good offensive options whilst you blast away with your spells. A knowledge pick at L7 compensates for the lost sorcery talent.

I'm sure poisoners would be useful as a magic DE, but I've never been able to afford them! One major drawback of going for spellcasting is the cost of relevant arts compared to melee arts - this seems unfair & imbalanced.
Sorry for double post, but Queen_Amanda said:

[No matter what your faction is, for levels 1-3 you should do only hunts to make your character stronger :P ]

Whilst this strategy makes sense on paper, for a new player it's boring and not necessarily the smart thing to do. Group combats & duels are the essence of the game, and are fun at low levels. Experience in these combats is at least as important as +1 attack. So for new players to get into the game, just get stuck in there and enjoy the pvp battles, meet other players, don't wear arts & save money.
See,she knows what i mean :D
do you really think that everything is so easy done like you write? :)
Whilst this strategy makes sense on paper, for a new player it's boring and not necessarily the smart thing to do. Group combats & duels are the essence of the game, and are fun at low levels. Experience in these combats is at least as important as +1 attack. So for new players to get into the game, just get stuck in there and enjoy the pvp battles, meet other players, don't wear arts & save money[/quote

Yeah you do that then you level up way too fast, and you have no gold for arts , then complain because you can't win group battles .Now thats boring :P
Hmm to make the best formation for DE level 6 without shrews ? plzz tell me, thx .. :)
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