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Which is better faction in level 5?


AuthorWhich is better faction in level 5?
Which is better faction ?
Straight Hads are the best at all levels )
Against slow and low defense- barbarian troops you don't need to have much attack-stats. And Magical Piercing allowed to ignore about 1/3 from Barbarians resistances.
[>]so qulows is a liar? [q]
straight hands will get you win any battle with any race :) there are odds though
for Hellfalcon:
chaos wizard with straight hand vs def knight with traight hand? poor knight
For hunts it is probably Barbarian:


But as many have said. There is no such thing as a best faction as it all depends on too many factors.

In what type of battles, v's what other creatures/factions? On their own or with a partner? etc.

The most important factor though is always the skill of the player. Some factions are easier to play than others.
Such as? (Some factions are easier to play than others)
this is all matter of opinion. one thing I know for sure, Demon is definitely the best faction on ANY level
Some factions are easier to play than others

For example, knights have a lot of options for setup and talents which take a lot of skill to master and become truely powerful.

Necro is also a fairly hard faction to play well but in the right hands and with skill can be truely awesome.
what would you say is the easiest? (like requires little skill, and gold)
If you're saying without racial, then elves are fairly easy.

Gold? All factions cost about the same amount, but depends on which buildings you decide to manufacture.

this is all matter of opinion. one thing I know for sure, Demon is definitely the best faction on ANY level
Now that's exaggerating. Every faction is unique. There is no "best" faction, though some factions are easier to play then others.

It all comes down to skill, racial(sometimes), partners, ammunition(sometimes), and a little luck and morale can't hurt.
But then again, there are too many factors you have to take in to decide which faction/player beats which.
i think best faction is barb
i think best faction is barb
"Quote" i think "Quote"

There are no best factions.
The best faction is the one you enjoy playing the most.
Any faction can be the best; BUT definitely not the one you are playing now ;)
as Juggernaut said, there is no best faction, just play the faction you like most. :)
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