Author | magic school 2 for barb. |
can any1 tell me wat does magic school 2 give 2 barb ? i m jus lv.5 bt still excited as there isnt any description given on d castle page. |
Hero attack does area damage. |
sry i is combat school lv.2 |
You hit o, o gets stunned but o as well as x get hit. |
so is d dmg halved accordin 2 area? |
Yes, it deals ½ damage to those units. |
circular strike, targeted stack takes full damage and is stunned, surrounding stacks take half damage and are not stunned |
Sorry about last message, so it deals half damage to those units :) |
I have a question about barbarian magic school 2. With my alt, i've build in castle this level of school but it doesn't appear on the castle page. I've attached in my profile this situation. Is this a bug? |
so its only 3x3 area ryt? |
for crys41:
Are you sure that you don't see the building (whether built or not built)? Does the hero ability work?
for virtual_vitrea:
so its only 3x3 area ryt?
Did you want 4x4 or 5x5 instead? 3x3 is pretty big already. |
lol i ws jus askin.... |
closed by virtual_vitrea (2010-07-04 11:52:57) |